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  1. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    Holy god. I am still coming down. That was a great experience! I will do that again, but definitely with more biscuits!
  2. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    To answer my own question, It was worth it. I am pretty high right now, not crazy off my ass high, but pretty high. I am one more leary biscuit from stoned, so I shall make another! I have had 2 so far!
  3. Woodsman

    Has Anyone Ever Had a Leary Biscuit?

    I got my wisdom teeth cut, and I am just now able to chew solid foods. I have not been able to smoke any of my beloved swisher sweets or KB in the last several days. I finally got sick of the whole mess and tried to find a way to get high without inhibiting my healing process. So I figured with...
  4. Woodsman

    dark before harvest

    So, does it make your stuff more potent? How exactly is it beneficial?
  5. Woodsman

    Scientist gives spiders various drugs

    In Canada, a drug research scientist gave several forest spiders various kinds of drugs to see how it affected their web weaving. YouTube - Spiders On Drugs Quite interesting, I love what the THC spider did.:joint::mrgreen:
  6. Woodsman

    I had my wisdom teeth cut out.

    My pain is pretty much gone and I still have ten left. I am not going to sell them, 10 bucks isn't worth it to me. I think I will just hang onto them if I ever need a painkiller.
  7. Woodsman

    Thread Moderator

    I really like way that sounds. /Signed.
  8. Woodsman


    I have had one friend who has had some wild experiences with tussin and benadryl. From what has happened to him, my advice is leave DXM alone. If you want to trip, do some salvia, shrooms, or lsd. DXM is totally not worth it.
  9. Woodsman

    I had my wisdom teeth cut out.

    Is it even worth it to eat them? Can I extract the oxycodeine out somehow?
  10. Woodsman


    Salvia leaves are nasty as hell and don't make me trip. The extract is so expensive, I doubt I will ever feel like blowing that much money on something so...comment dit-on.... insignificant.
  11. Woodsman

    I had my wisdom teeth cut out.

    So I got my Wisdom teeth removed on the seventeenth, and I have a nice bottle of Perloxx (it is a combination of codeine and acetaminophen). I know a fair amount about pharmaceuticals, but I am curious on something. I understand that it is fairly easy to OD on acetaminophen (Tylenol) and I am...
  12. Woodsman

    HELP!! I can't see!!!

    A jewellery lens seems like the best option to me, but only if you use the British spelling.
  13. Woodsman

    I Am The Woodsman.

    International Law with a focus on the EU and USA. Nothing criminal, International and Comparative legal studies. I will be mostly be draining the pockets of multinational corporations and using the profit to buy fancy cars and marijuana. And to FDD, I probably love guitar more than the green...
  14. Woodsman

    Simple and Amazingly Delicious Chicken Noodle Soup (marijuana free though)

    I am starting to feel a little under the weather; I might convince one of my friends (or my mother when she comes to visit tomorrow) to make me some. How many servings does this recipe make? What vegetables do you usually use?
  15. Woodsman

    I Am The Woodsman.

    Hey guys, I am the Woodsman, because I grow in the....(you guessed it) woods. I am an avid outdoors man and musician. I play virtually any common instrument and write music. I have been a rider of the purple haze for only approximately a year and a half. I have but one plant currently growing...
  16. Woodsman

    How to make your own strain

    You can't breed a liger with anything, they are sterile. ... A narwhal? Come on. Are you high?
  17. Woodsman

    Free The Weed Petition.

    Those were some odd times. I remember my grandmother used to have a HUGE jar of pharmaceutical grade cocaine that she took as a pain reliever. It is funny how things are. I don't even think I would have a huge problem with the government taxing it. Weed prices are INCREDIBLY jacked up...
  18. Woodsman

    is 8 pounds good?

    I keep my plants in my pockets, I have to trim them every day though, they yield roughly an ounce hourly.
  19. Woodsman

    How to Videos

    Great find, +rep.
  20. Woodsman

    Males: Kill Them and Dump the Body or Make Use of Them?

    What about making hash out of the males?