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  1. Woodsman

    No Narcs or Feds

    I don't see how it would help with cops/narcs, seeing as though they can lie about being a cop.
  2. Woodsman

    cloning tomatoes

    Good ol' root hormone has always worked for me
  3. Woodsman

    newbie qiestion

    I have heard of people growing with seeds they have had for 3 years. Basically what happens is the seeds are dormant until they are given the right conditions, then they germinate. That is just natures way of keeping the species alive. As long as your seeds are not rotten, they should...
  4. Woodsman

    "the Grocery Store Molasses Grow" Contest !!!!!!!

    Hell, that is all I use anyway. :P
  5. Woodsman

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys, I am new here. I have been gardening for a little while and using forums for a long while. I just planted my first crop of God's harvest (late June, but the part of the Country I live in allows for a long summer), I had two out of my three plants make it thus far. I named my plants...
  6. Woodsman

    My pot movie

    Man,that guy can have a CASE of beer any day!
  7. Woodsman

    how much...

    3 feet was just a guess, as I said it is not finished growing. My brother has been growing for years and he has never gotten a plant over 4 feet (all outdoors, but his pots were also tiny and I don't know how much he cared for his babies). The plant(s) gets direct light from dust until dawn and...
  8. Woodsman

    how much...

    I am curious about this too. Let's say I have a well *very* well nurtured plant (I was gardening other things before), that grows to a height of say 3 feet (it is not done yet, but I feel like that is a fair guess or starting point). This is an outdoor grow with a plenty big pot (about 4 gal, I...
  9. Woodsman

    A male. Damn

    Sorry man. Win some, lose some.
  10. Woodsman

    growing in dorm room??

    If you really MUST grow something, do NOT grow it in your dorm. When the R.A. comes in for a surprise visit because he notices the stadium lights in your room, you will be out of the University. I suggest doing some guerrilla style growing in some woods nearby campus. No one wants a drug charge...
  11. Woodsman

    what is marijuana?

    I think you have had enough.
  12. Woodsman

    A male. Damn

    Sure those aren't pistils?
  13. Woodsman

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    I agree that just pissing on plants that you are going to consume later is just plain gross. Really though, if you boil it, you are just going to evaporate the water and concentrate what makes it piss (salts, toxins in your body, etc). Urine is sterile, so there is really no reason to boil it...
  14. Woodsman


    You really, REALLY, don't need to give any plant constant light. There is a reason for this, I can't remember the scientific names (I want to say Calvin's cycle), but here is what happens: during the day (or whenever the plant gets light), the plant absorbs the energy, and during the night, it...