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  1. steverthebeaver81

    Tie down plants

    hmm. interesting. i just use velcro tape and string and bamboo.
  2. steverthebeaver81

    Spine shaped roots

    alien cannabis is my guess..... they look fine really, what do the tops look like?
  3. steverthebeaver81

    Is this nutrent burn?

    thats exactly what it is. I use ffof for bloom only and even then its too much for some. happy frog or light warrior are good starter soils for veg. just let it dry, and run a bunch of water through, thoroughly flushing it and you should be fine.
  4. steverthebeaver81

    Should The Prices Change?

    i just pulled a crapton and think that 10 per is fair. or even 12 for a bill. or 25 for 2 bills. i like those prices, and i didnt even use a ezcloner, though they are nice.:-P
  5. steverthebeaver81

    Is this nutrent burn?

    or just dont nute the sedling yet.... wait till its a little older.
  6. steverthebeaver81

    Coco Growers Unite!

    :hump:just began playin around with coco and already i can say that i like it.:hump:
  7. steverthebeaver81

    Help Coco not Looking as Good as Soil

    Im just usin aerated tap water. The first one is planted in just happy frog soil, the second in happy frog and coco coir that had soaked in a small amount of humic acid for 20 minutes, and the third had probably a 50/50 mix of coco coir and happy frog. The humic drench one was prolly a 25/75 mix...
  8. steverthebeaver81

    First Indoor Grow

    I wait until there are a good 5-6 nodes or a little later, and all i use for food in veg is fish emulsions and occasionally superthrive.
  9. steverthebeaver81

    First Indoor Grow

    lower your lights. it looks like your plants are stretching....
  10. steverthebeaver81

    Help Coco not Looking as Good as Soil

    i use aerated water, but my tap comes out at 300 ppm and is aerated after that point in a large reservoir for at least a day before use. I actually was just experimenting with coco myself. heres my results if you dont mind my interjection.
  11. steverthebeaver81

    We Need a Lick Button

    i like the ideas of both buttons really...
  12. steverthebeaver81

    Just Opened Up A New Dimension In My Closet

    maybe hes growin some white widow......
  13. steverthebeaver81

    can u put a hydro plant in soil?

    agreed with seabas. superthrive rocks for transplanting for this.
  14. steverthebeaver81

    Got some new spots..

    i wouldnt apply the dont bug me within like two weeks of harvest, it says you can, but i just dont.
  15. steverthebeaver81

    Just Opened Up A New Dimension In My Closet

    Nice box. you got good ventilation?
  16. steverthebeaver81

    whats this from???

    i agree with the flush and water with just water a couple times. Then use your fish emulsions. I use those same fish emulsions and love them.
  17. steverthebeaver81

    Stealth Cabinet Build!

    interested and subb'd.
  18. steverthebeaver81

    What Is This? Was Told Pollen!

    yeah its basically just the trichomes that fall off the plant. those are the crystals you see all close up in pics. just a bunch of them pressed together.
  19. steverthebeaver81

    Got some new spots..

    heres a link to help with identification. its a pdf, and you want the second page. the first page is helpful too, but has nothin to do with insects. and as far as fungus gnats go, i use dont bug me spray, yellow sticky...
  20. steverthebeaver81

    Who know's anything about molasses and hydroponics?

    humboldt honey hydro i would assume would be great for this. it contains molasses and well, its built for hydro. I use the ES stuff in my soil grow.