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  1. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    i get you and thanks, i researched the strains and they all are pretty similar as far as time and what not. also, know any dwc coco grow?
  2. normajean123

    interesting nute info. pro input? the video is a challenge between a couple well known nutes to see which is the best. input would be great.
  3. normajean123

    Soiless vs hydro newb

    Hey, I was wondering if a soilessmix can grow just as fast as a hydro grow? Basically same amount of time since hydro shows quicker results from what I see.
  4. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    bump. please , help would be pretty awesome
  5. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    damn -__- something tells me that dwc with seperate strains would be either alot of $$ or a pain. with single bucket dwc systems i have seen, the biggest annoyance is how to fill and drain easily without lifting the lid. has there been a past post of a diy easy dwc system? or should i change...
  6. normajean123

    no prob just let it be known that none of it is my original info. just collecting a source of...

    no prob just let it be known that none of it is my original info. just collecting a source of good info for easy look up.
  7. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    yea i was gonna do a dwc system, each plant having its own container. is it possible to tell me if some strains grow similarly? since cost does come into this, if i can cut some money back then thats always good and thanks.
  8. normajean123

    cup size

    i see that most people use 3in net cups for hydro. does bigger net cup = bigger anything?
  9. normajean123

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    anyone know where i can get good cheap reflectors like the ones from this video? parabolic shape, no vertical hoods. near the end 6min first min of this one
  10. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    bump, cmon im just asking for some advice not all the info.
  11. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    would 1 600W be good for a 4x4 space?
  12. normajean123

    DWC nutes & set up?

    hey, im about to start my first grow soon. im growing 10 different strains. i was wondering if it would be best to make little dwc for each since they are diff strains or have them all hooked up to a resevoir? also, whats the first things i should look up on nutes? anyone used dutch master one...
  13. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    for the entire grow?
  14. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    right on, thanks for the info man +rep i was planning on maybe getting 2 400W mh for veg and then 600W for flow for a 4X4 grow tent. have you bought your products online?
  15. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    looks pretty pro, does this one save energy?
  16. normajean123

    dual arc tubes?

    look under dual arc tube:
  17. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    but what about stealth and security?
  18. normajean123

    dual arc tubes?

    bump. can someone please give some input since it seems more cost/grow effecient.
  19. normajean123

    experience with ballast?

    hey, does anyone have experience with this product or brand? is it good? 600w enough for 4x4 space?
  20. normajean123

    How easy is DWC/bubbleponics

    is there a way to combat that with some nute? and also is there something that can be used to prevent any clogging or is that not a big deal?