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  1. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    Inside the growroom i have an 8x8 grow tent, the light ducts go from inside the garage through the growroom wall, through the tent, out the top of the tent ,out the cieling of the growroom,and into the attic space. the two light curcuits run completely seperate from the growroom air. The...
  2. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    this thing is a beast! Ill be modifying it with a solar charge controller and an AGM battery to run it 24/7 free off the grid! ;)
  3. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    yeah, thats the crappy part about this is its completely uninsulated up top it lets so much heat through and ive decided when i get the money ill get a roof vent for the a/c as well
  4. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    just picked up the vent fan i was talking about, couldnt pass it up for 40 bucks.
  5. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    no, the garage is seperate from the house. Totally worst place to put a grow but its my only option at this time.there is two roof vents 8" i beleive and thats it.
  6. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    yeah im definitly running the lights at night, and i can get roof vents for 20 bucks each and i can do the work myself. Thats probably what ill end up doing
  7. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    Another issue is there are no windows on this building, and im trying to keep the operation covert as possible. im running the a/c exhaust out the bottom of the garage door at the moment.that has lowered the temps a bit but when i start flowering and turn on my lights its going to produce just...
  8. kushdaddy1980

    4000w Heat! 120°

    My growroom is in the garage and im exhausting all my air conditioner heat into attic space above the growroom and out a roof vent with a commecial cooler fan. Im planning on flipping my 8x8 this summer and adding the heat from four 1000w hps cooltubes into that space above my growroom. I have...
  9. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    sounds like that could work, i have been spraying every time i water which is about every 2 days but not directly on the flowers. I spray the pots and the main stems and around the tents. I spray the veg plants about the same frequency and i spray all over the plants. I havent seen a bug i...
  10. kushdaddy1980

    Kushdaddy's 2x4 Grow

    3 gal...
  11. kushdaddy1980

    Kushdaddy's 2x4 Grow

    update on the 2x4: moving right along.week 5 just hit em with some big bloom.
  12. kushdaddy1980

    Kushdaddy's 8'x8' Grow

    The 8x8 is finally finished! Cant wait to get the clones in there. They still have a little while to go.
  13. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    it was actually a combination of spider mites and then thrips but the spray is keeping both of these buggers at bay.
  14. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    heres a pic of when i first found the infestation and here are the plants now...
  15. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    so, its been a week and i havent seen one leaf get chewed on by thrip, spidermite or any other bug. Also after spraying i noticed a bunch of dead gnats on the floor, and havent seen a gnat since. im pretty sure ive won the 1st battle in the war against pests. The spray i make leaves a great...
  16. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    i tried ladybugs too and got similar results, they flock towards and get inside the light, burn to death and dont do much hanging around on the plants. I even built a ladybug house for them but they didnt breed. Another point brought up to me was the ladybug remnants getting into the...
  17. kushdaddy1980

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    made my own version of CaliCleaner. I went to the grocery store and bought some habaneros, cilantro, dill, lime,lemon, and fresh rosemary sprigs. Chopped up the habaneros(and i wore gloves and glasses during this) heated everything in 32oz of water for about 20 min. I added a drop of dawn...
  18. kushdaddy1980

    Kushdaddy's 8'x8' Grow

    got the lights hung up and made some mods to the tent.
  19. kushdaddy1980

    What is the proper water temperature for cloning using a cloning machine

    ive never used ice packs i just turned the pump off intermittenly and let the water cool down on its own.
  20. kushdaddy1980

    Kushdaddy's 8'x8' Grow

    modified my tent poles and bulit a platform to put the carbon filter directly in the center of the tent.theres no way i was hanging this huge filter up top.