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  1. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Do these pictures look clear enough?

    I didnt post this in the harvest/cure thread, as I have no intention of harvesting. I'm giving my girls all the time they need, and my projected harvest time isnt until mid April at the earliest. What I am curious about, however, is the type of scope you all use to inspect thine buds. The...
  2. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Day 44. Will I be alright?

    Idk, lol. I think I've answered my own question, be it a silly question at that. I was kind of worried that picking off the bud sites I established as intersex would stress the plant into more hermaphroditic tendencies. But, I overthink and I'm just gonna let the ship sail, and see where it goes
  3. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Day 44. Will I be alright?

    I said on here before my White Widiw was throwing out a some nanners, and 1 or 2 little pods, nothing crazy. I've been picking off the spots that even look the slightest bit suspicious, again nothing too major. Anyway, if it continues to do as I described above, and I just pick em off as they...
  4. MR.NICE.GUY.1990


    That "shes" a "he"! 86 that mofo!
  5. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Week 6

    This be my new pipe I boot
  6. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Week 6

    2 Gold lemons 2 nebulas 1 Jack herer 1 white widow 1 blueberry 2 days into week 6
  7. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Seedlings look hungry.

    Right on. All I have readily available to transplant them into are 1/2 gallon pots. I also have a large brick of dehydrated coco coir. Will that be all right to mix with o.f as an aerator, or do I still need something like clay pellets or lava rock to put in there as well. I'll have my super...
  8. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Seedlings look hungry.

    That's definitely what I'm going to start doing. It makes alot of sense to acclimate it to the new medium by doing it that way. I have these tiny cups I was thinking of utilizing, lol
  9. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Seedlings look hungry.

    I'm starting a compost pile/bin in a few weeks here!! Its spring and I've got plenty of good kitchen waste as well as leaf trimmings from my plants. Plus I live on about 5 1/2 acres of pretty dense woodland, so I'm thinking of using the presumably very fertile soil that has had all kinds of...
  10. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Seedlings look hungry.

    So, I'm wondering what I should give my seedlings if I want to stick to an organic diet. I started them in light warrior, and they have had nothing but balanced water since. Couple of 'em are starting to look hungry, and I have ocean forest ready for them, but I wanted to let them grow for a bit...
  11. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    PPM And Mixing?

    What's the ppm of your water without nutes? Also, check to see if it says 10×, next to the 119, meaning its 1190, which sounds about right
  12. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Daylight savings got me messed up

    Daylights savings just caused us to lose an hour. My shitty digital timer broke a fewdays ago, I have a mechanical replacement on the way, and I think I fudged up. Lights go on at 1230pm, off at 12am, but now with the time change, I should have turned my lights on at 130pm, and off at 1am...
  13. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Daylight Savings Time. Anyone adjust their light timers?

    I know this is an old thread, but I'm in michigan and dst caused us to lose an hour. My shitty digital timer broke a few days ago, I have a mechanical replacement on the way, and I think I fudged up. Lights go on at 1230pm, off at 12am, but now with the time change, I should have turned my...
  14. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    First Harvest 1 plant down, 3 to go

    Awesome nuggz man, for sure! Looks great Now comes the super fun, time consuming, madness inducing, hand cramping act of trimming that we all love to do. Whatre the trichomes like?
  15. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    This morning!!!!!!!

    Not lame, lol. But I'd keep some form of log or something, where I'd associate each name, with the name of the actual strain. Just so you know what you have
  16. MR.NICE.GUY.1990


    Right on. Shes in a tent with 7 other ladies. But, the damage is done, nothing I can do at this point but keep a close eye on her and let it do its thing
  17. MR.NICE.GUY.1990


    Right on. After going over the entire plant, it looks to be only that spot. Should I cull it, or let it be?
  18. MR.NICE.GUY.1990


    This is a different plant, a white widow I got as a freebie. Found it on only one bud site. Is my crop fucked now? Looks like one or two sacks opened up
  19. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    Temp too high?

    85°f is a little warm, I would definitely agree with a bigger fan. I'm in Michigan as well and I'm using a 1000w hps, my temps shot up, needless to say. To compensate, I had to reroute my fresh air intake to come directly from outside, in, bringin my temps down to a steady 75°f. I got kind of...
  20. MR.NICE.GUY.1990

    In House Genetics Thread

    Oh, right on. I cant wait till I start mine p.p × Km. If it looks anything like that, I'll be stoked