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  1. Dr Khan Pierre

    How Much Do Outdoor Plants Yield?

    Mountain grower here, all i can say after my experience to maximize yields it all depends on what strain you choose that fits best your environment.(altitude, precipitation, temperatures, climate) When I choose the right strain i take out per plant 1kg and above. In my environment Indica...
  2. Dr Khan Pierre

    Weed plant problem, please help

    What is the EC of your water? How do you decide it needs watering? When watering, how much water do you give them? When you started this grow, did you use an part larger pot from the start than needed?
  3. Dr Khan Pierre

    First time SOG 8x8

    I would probably start off as how you did the previous round with soil but then maybe with driplines as f series stated above to gain experience in this type of grow first. But this time i'd go for square pots to use the whole space efficiently. I would start off from seeds to not lose time...
  4. Dr Khan Pierre

    First time SOG 8x8

    I've analyzed this thread again from the start and I think that I have found an major reason why this has happened to you but I need to know the exact feeding schedule. Can it be that you have made an mistake nutriment wise? Mixed up booster accelerator for PK 13-14? PK 13-14 used too early in...
  5. Dr Khan Pierre

    First time SOG 8x8

    Shitty to hear this and hope your grow up is not totally ruined! There can be multiples individual reasons that can lead to this or it can be an combination of issues. Can you please send us your complete feeding schedule so that we can take an deeper glance into it? How many hermies did you...
  6. Dr Khan Pierre

    First time SOG 8x8

    The reason could be that the max load for the contact points on your climate controller & relay box has been exceeded. (in the case you are using Bestva 3000w (615w) and your contact points are max 600W.)
  7. Dr Khan Pierre

    First time SOG 8x8

    Are they in flowering stage?