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  1. P

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    Follow pheno addicts / flavor designer on IG. He normally announces for Crane since Crane left IG.
  2. P

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    No. A scammer is currently running his old IG, and even set up a fake website. Do not get fooled into buying any of that fake shit. From what Pheno Addicts said, Crane is going to have one more seed release and then he’s retiring from the seed biz. I would imagine it would get dropped at the...
  3. P

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    Thats beat. I kept up with checking Cranes Instagram, and I did not see a lot of people publish their results. It was kind of saddening, because we finished ours a few weeks after the contest wrapped. And we happened to find something pretty wild with our one seed. Finished in 45 days (no...