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    DEA makes CBD concentrates a schedule 1 drug!

    they did it so they can gain full control.
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    How to get money?

    your child must be so proud of you, u fuggin bum.....try putting your child first, NOT YOU!!!
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    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    i bought mine about a year ago after going through 3 hanna's in 9 months at $140 a pop.....not 1 hiccup from the bl.
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    Please count from flip!!!

    your comprehension is lacking in that statement what i wrote again
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    Please count from flip!!!

    what does it matter??? i don't care if "YOU" start counting the day the hairs start turning.....your doing this to keep the breeder
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    Is this a male?

    yes male
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    Day 75 Pinkie Pie in Jameson Bottle Grow

    sober alcoholic.......i drank more than enough in my time
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    Day 75 Pinkie Pie in Jameson Bottle Grow

    thats about the only thing a bottle of jameson is good for, hope u didn't drink it.....damn nice plant!
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    Trump Asks "What Is Going On" After It Emerges Democrats Refused FBI Access To Hacked Servers

    hillary is still very involved.......mostly in very illegal underhanded bs, robbing tax payers. trump is no better, but we need to start somewhere and hillary n bill are where it should start.
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    Quick fix 6.1 anyone used this stuff?

    once my temp was to low so i pissed all over my hand n the outside of the cup before i handed it back.....the nurse was thoroughly disgusted n forgot to check the temp.
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    recreating 70's Columbian accident!

    i'd take outdoor over indoor any day! i'm not into bag appeal, i'm into quality smoke.
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    Chicago torture: Facebook Live video leads to 4 arrests

    don't forget kidnapping....and yes it was a hate crime.
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    Can Nebraska ditch weed seeds be used to make good pot

    no, u need kansas ditch weed. greatlakesgenetics
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    say what!!!!!!!! english!!!
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    i'm just saying who buys n uses most of it, not all of it...............
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    Snoop Dogg G Pen Herbal Vaporizer

    fuck snoop, he's in bed with 1 of the lp's in canada.
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    don't buy it.......... lead paint is made and used in the usa still......military
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    1k or 2 400 watts?

    why not 2 600's.....i have 2 bare bulb in a 6x6x7 only using 4x4 though
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    Is 4" fan and filter enough for 39"x39"x6'?

    54cf and your fan is 170cfm...knocked down to just say 100cfm for restrictions.....should be fine, twice per minute roughly.
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    Most narcotic strain?

    malawi by ace