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  1. psychedelictripper

    Irene's High Speed Winds! Need some advice

    I should add they continue to downgrade it. Typical weather channel bs, sell the weather.
  2. psychedelictripper

    Irene's High Speed Winds! Need some advice

    of course laying them on their side doesn't account for the possibility of 5-10 inches of rain drowning them. Another thing is if they're in only small containers and you move them you might disturb the roots growing out the bottom.
  3. psychedelictripper

    How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??

    I suggested chicken wire because it has a tight weave, is fairly stiff in small sections and that might prevent your plant(s) from being crushed. I'm better with ideas when I'm in the hardware store. If you have enough rebar and can create a geodesic dome and secure it safely to the ground go...
  4. psychedelictripper

    How to stop animals from eating my plants.

    Eat the animals 1st? ;)
  5. psychedelictripper

    How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??

    Doesn't have to be that way if you construct a better house to keep the wolf out. Remember this houses(most) are built cheaply hence why they often get torn to shreds by tornadoes and even hurricanes especially with fallen trees. The reason is they're made out of cheap spruce and pine. Start...
  6. psychedelictripper

    Just Another Grow Thread

    Is that one of those new fangled environmentally friendly green cars in your car port there? What she get for mileage? ;)
  7. psychedelictripper

    Serious hurricane warning :( Help! (w/pixx)

    I'd get digging holes, get some iron pipe, concrete and construct a Curly Howard structure around it. A T-pee shape would be best or anything with an angle to allow rain to drain off. What to drain off of is the other question? 6 mil plastic? Plywood? Netting aint going to help. I think 6 mil...
  8. psychedelictripper

    How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??

    85+ mph are enough to shred all leaf matter. Perhaps if your plants aren't too big a plastic garbage barrel could be employed to cover them? You'd have to stake it to the ground.
  9. psychedelictripper

    Worried ur plants wont finish before frost.... take a look

    Some of those things apply but I'd caution against doing what citrus growers do(I know the article doesn't say that)but they saturate the actual plants with water. Water can be better used in jugs. A make shift green house is very simple to create too. Only problem I have with hay/straw is it...
  10. psychedelictripper

    Flowering Help?

    I don't he's getting more of that "northern sun". Here's a cool website for getting your light schedules.
  11. psychedelictripper

    Visitor in my greenhouse , good omen?

    I was going to say the same thing. I believe frogs eat little bugs. He couldn't gulp more than a half a gnat though. Maybe just maybe in case you have some bug laying eggs he would want a spider-egg-mcmuffin for breakfast?
  12. psychedelictripper

    help guess yield...

    It's probably best to not try to guess what Santa got you for xmas. Don't try to guess the presents ;)
  13. psychedelictripper

    Northeastern Region: Flowering yet?

    If it has long skinny leaves it's going to be a sativa which can flower longer than 12 weeks. Of course are they really long and skinny? If you're not familiar enough with indica then it could be mistaken or a hybrid mistaken. Bottom line is a plant finishes when it's done. Various strains have...
  14. psychedelictripper

    NYC outdoor grow help

    You're welcome, pollen travels on a breeze and can easily journey 10 feet. You need to identify and destroy the males before they release the pollen(kinda feels like having to feed puppies to a lion. Not that i have fed puppies to a lion but that's how i imagine it would feel). That's the...
  15. psychedelictripper

    NYC outdoor grow help

    They will start to flower before the 12/12 date(If I remember the 26th). You could protect them with a row cover in October. You could make a little green house over them. If you use plastic make sure air can pass through. To warm them fill jugs with hot water and place inside. At night they...
  16. psychedelictripper


    Oh yeah that's a wet zone so air circulation is all the more critical. Yes opening up the plant helps tremendously. You see nature wants thing to turn moldy. It also wants a bunch of males around to pollinate and drop the moldy buds on the ground for next year. Nature like to rot things. Nature...
  17. psychedelictripper

    is it too late to grow

    You're welcome. One hybrid option would be to give your plants some supplemental light if electricity is near by. By this I mean adding say 3 hours or more of artificial light. Your area get cold? I mean could you veg a plant indoors for a month and transplant it? You could also just liken it...
  18. psychedelictripper


    I doubt any strain is entirely mold proof. Certain strain might be less bushy allowing more airflow though. That's really the key, location location. Full sun(10+ hours a day) and lots of room between plants to allow for them to breath is the solution for most situations. Also a rain canopy...
  19. psychedelictripper

    is it too late to grow

    I think it would be extremely small because a plant right now is going to want to switch to flowering so there wouldn't be enough vegetative growth to sustain anything of abundance. At this time it's probably best to think about an indoor grow. It's not just marijuana that's affected by light...
  20. psychedelictripper

    is it too late to grow

    Light is the key and since it's northern hemisphere the days are too short. You're only getting a little over 13 hours right now. It's too short. Next April/May is the time.