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  1. nfhiggs

    LEDs to supplement my 315wLEC in 4x4

    Not likely. Strips are the most cost efficient option, most of the time.
  2. nfhiggs

    LEDs to supplement my 315wLEC in 4x4

    Fuck Digikey - buy 8 of the the 22" inch strips from Arrow for 12.66 each and free shipping. You'll save damn near enough to pay for an HLG-240H-24 driver - which you can ALSO get from Arrow.
  3. nfhiggs

    Help regarding choosing solution for adding UVA/UVB LED's to a DIY COB LED grow light.

    To be quite honest - you really can't. Even testing is not going to tell you what it would have been without it. The only way to determine its effect is to do many, many double blind grows with and without the UV and perform a rigorous statistical analysis of the results - thats REAL science...
  4. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    Here is an update pic from yesterday, 8-9-18: fourteen days in there: She sure loves the Sammie light!
  5. nfhiggs

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    The efficiency is comparable at test currents - the big difference is the overall light levels. The B-lux are about half the price of the Sammies, but also half the lumens. So on a lumen per dollar basis, they are close to being equal, with a bit of an edge to the B-lux However, Samsung does...
  6. nfhiggs

    Upgraded! Finally...

    Two of the 300W lights will fill a 4x4 pretty well. PAR output at 600W is about 1425 uMol/s, kind of right in the middle between a 600W HPS and a 1000W HPS.
  7. nfhiggs

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    Hello fellow Oregonian!
  8. nfhiggs

    Help choosing most efficient cobs

    Below 400 uMol/s/m2 at the canopy is what I would consider weak. 200 watts in a 2x2 is probably in the 800 uMol range
  9. nfhiggs

    The New Majestic12 LED

    LOL - I'm sorry bro, but you are the very definition of a shill - a person paid by the company (in this instance paid with a free product), to review their product while pretending to remain unbiased.
  10. nfhiggs

    Help choosing most efficient cobs

    Cannabis is a C3 plant. It does not "do" anything during the night cycle. C4 plants use the night cycle to process CO2 using stored energy (in the form of ATP). Emerson Effect occurs at 680 nm and 700 nm. Emerson found that both wavelengths together increased photosynthesis by about ten percent...
  11. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    Its like the 150WX4 only two more bars added for a total of six. I'll get a pic of it on the site later tonight or tomorrow.
  12. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    A little different layout - the 300WX8 has the 22" strips laid end to end for a 46" total width. The 200WX6 is just 6 strips in one row for 24" width. That one goes for $160.
  13. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    As Humple points out, the 300 is a bit hot for that size. A much better fit would be the 200WX6 layout. Size on it is 24 x 16 inches, a comfortable fit for your size space.
  14. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    I finally got it unclogged and its cycling now. Just had to rap on the tube a few times and it came gushing out. I had to drain out several gallons of solution into large clothes washing detergent containers - lucky I had those nearby. Its all good now.
  15. nfhiggs

    Need Affordable LED Veg & Bloom for 1st Timer MED: PLZ HLP

    1. yes get two. 2. Yes you can do that. 3. No switches, just lower them for flower.
  16. nfhiggs

    Need Affordable LED Veg & Bloom for 1st Timer MED: PLZ HLP

    Well, for 12 square feet, you generally want around 400 actual watts of good LED. Good COB setup, Quantum boards or Samsung Strips is what I would recommend.
  17. nfhiggs

    Question for the COB guys...

    I agree - more light sources means more even coverage.
  18. nfhiggs

    Need Affordable LED Veg & Bloom for 1st Timer MED: PLZ HLP

    Avoid most anything you find on amazon, with the exception of quantum boards. Are you handy at all? with a little guidance do you think you could build your own fixture?
  19. nfhiggs

    New run - Black Gorilla

    For some strange reason the drain is not draining at all. So its just filling with nutrient solution. I suppose I won't need to add any for a couple of weeks now....