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  1. rmzrmz


    the users themselves are the ones who must regulate supply and demand, if you find it expensive don't buy it, it will stack and end up falling or you will buy a clone or F2/hybrid later, cannabisseeds are not a vital product for anyone, I do not see a regulation other than that of the informed...
  2. rmzrmz


    -EXOTIC $150 lastdrop2022 $100 -SKUNKHOUSE $150-200 lastdrop2022 $100 -TIKI $120 lastdrop $85 -SEEDJUNKY $300-350 lastdrop 2022 $225 -PhenoAddictxCrane $250 lastdrop2022 $150 (last drop 2022 is normal prices) -years ago Neptune only had discounts a few times a year, as of today EVERY WEEK...
  3. rmzrmz


    packbanditz It's on sale to 30 Oct
  4. rmzrmz


    My experience, what I paid the most for a pack was $500 in 2020, Papaya Runtz I sold them, this year 2022 I paid $350 for JuicyJ seedjunky, I sold them again, I did not win or loseI felt somewhat cheated with Neptune since days later they put it on sale with a %35 discount at the moment I...
  5. rmzrmz


    Hi, I open this thread to talk about money, prices, value offers,supply/demand, discounts ,comparisons in relation to the seed market, regardless of quality I see that the same thing is repeated in several other threads of different breeders
  6. rmzrmz

    Archive Seed Bank

    good that it gave the option 300 and 150, I do not pay more than $200 for anything today, the seedmarket is oversaturated, regardless of quality allmost banks are lowering prices with many offers that is the trend, not raising prices, is time to buy cheap
  7. rmzrmz

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    ZAINBOW #2 Monster EnergyDrink (Gas)MangoGuava (Tropical) + ZKITTLEZ
  8. rmzrmz

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    yes, treestar has some CC stock, for the time it takes to process they should do some discount, I bought only once Capulator pack and it arrived ok and was fast process the last year, but I prefer not to try again, It is tempting:cool:
  9. rmzrmz

    Tiki Madman

    tiki x clearwater × karma SourDiesel × DevilDriver
  10. rmzrmz


    Mac Stomper #2 Alien Cookies pheno Gas/cookie MacStomper #1 Lemony Cleaner Sativa Old School Pheno healthy plants, the #2 stretches more, they eat a lot and take root quickly, strong smell but controlled I liked the hand of Cap, I would repeat with another and I have 5 of these left, to...
  11. rmzrmz

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    Zainbow #2 last days flo 60s.... amazing strain,
  12. rmzrmz

    Cookies Fam Genetics

  13. rmzrmz


    Hi, open thread for Ziplock seeds, one of its fem lines works with the cut white truffle (Beleaf) I have some cereal milk x white truffle growing and soon I will germinate others
  14. rmzrmz

    Skunk House Genetics

    PawPaw aka Bubblegum Modified (Bubblegum x Banana Modified) strong odor, bushy plant dont stretch , apparent high yield, easy maintenance, hard rock flower, cookie strong odor with some nasty GMO and rubber background, looks good, first one I have from SkunkHouse, It has the most intense...
  15. rmzrmz

    Next hype strain

  16. rmzrmz

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    Zainbow #2 40 days Flo
  17. rmzrmz

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    from ZAINBOW they came out 4/7, number 2 is in flower now and has one of the best smells of the season for me, it's like SodaGas/Monster EnergyDrink Guava with insane Zkittles background, excellent structure high production, eats a lot but low maintenance, I have 2 left in growth that I will...
  18. rmzrmz

    Archive Seed Bank

    the flowers and plants are great, the thing is the deal hermi and Archive have that thing since he began his Dosidos lines, Archive himself recognizes it even separates the different types of hermi dosidos great, but it comes out hermi traits, It's not hate, it's my experience and the same of...
  19. rmzrmz

    Archive Seed Bank

    i love Archives FaceOff line, 0% herm in my experience but the dosidos lines not the same, Heat wave reg high potency, effect long lasting but the females shot balls, moonbow/rainbow belts look very awesome but the herm random deal I'd rather not try, I'll stay with the classic FaceOff or...
  20. rmzrmz

    Pheno Addicts

    -Zazaí : (ZR3 x MacAnimal) x Itz Fire -Fucking Fabulous: ZhitsFire×RUNTZ -Mentz: (GD x Ritz) -Gold Dust: (MacAnimal x Itz-Fire) -LA POPRock : (Zkittlez/AnimalCookies)×TK -Ritz: (Runtz x Itz-Fire)