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  1. C

    Any help please before these die

    Ok thanks yeah I’m tryin to be patient
  2. C

    Any help please before these die

    yeah It looks like they are trying to come back but very slowly I mean if I killed them they would be looking at lot worst by now right? The Hydroton is wet on the bottom it doesn’t make it all the way up unless I’m doin something wrong?
  3. C

    Any help please before these die

    Hey no offense taken . YeAh I have been spraying them with 150ppm nut and I put a humidifier in there so humidity is at 70% they are looking a little better but still looking sad
  4. C

    Any help please before these die

    Girls are still lookin sad
  5. C

    Any help please before these die

    I actually do have a humidifier I’ll put it in there and try the foliar spray thank you for you help it is very much appreciated
  6. C

    First grow and goin south

    Looking a little better today
  7. C

    Any help please before these die

    I’m measuring ph and e/c but I am waiting on a new ph pen.. it’s been a little cold in my garage but it doesn’t get under 67 in the tent at can I raise humidity without humidifier?i am using rapid start from gh
  8. C

    Any help please before these die

    Yeah I am waiting for a new pen now learned not to buy the cheap ones off Amazon i don’t know if they were in a dome or not I got them from the dispensary this size
  9. C

    Any help please before these die

    What do you put in the foliage spray just water?
  10. C

    Any help please before these die

    Yeah but my damn ph pen is so inaccurate though I have been using the little test tube and the drops
  11. C

    Droopy yellowing leaves after transplant to dwc

    Don’t think so?
  12. C

    Any help please before these die

    Yes they had a good amount of roots on them , the thing is they were rooted In Rockwool and soil so I had to wash the roots off so I’m not sure if I did any damage ... my tent stays around 71 degrees and around 50% humidity , ph is at 5.9 and no the water is not touching the roots .... I set...
  13. C

    Droopy yellowing leaves after transplant to dwc

    Any help would be greatly suggested.. I got two clones yesterday and I transferred them in my dwc set up... I’m using a lite dose of gh flora 3 part series silica cal mag rapid start and hydroguard ... set ph at 5.9 and rh is at 50% and I’m using a 400 w mh pulled up to about 2 1/2 feet ...
  14. C

    First grow and goin south

    I got some more last night that we’re more established and now they to are looking sad today
  15. C

    First grow and goin south

    Man I agree it seems like the hardest way to do it
  16. C

    First grow and goin south

    Yes I have been top watering
  17. C

    Any help please before these die

    Humidity is at 50%
  18. C

    Any help please before these die

    Took these clones in yesterday and got them transplanted into my dwc .. I have them on a lite dose general hydro flora 3 part silica , cal mag , rapid start and hydroguard , 400 w mh about 2 and 1/2 feet above plant .. when I came to check today and the leaves are starting to droop and turn a...
  19. C

    First grow and goin south

    I’m sorry it is in Rockwool ( I have another one coming though).... I set water level little bit above the bottom of the net pot and letting it run Till bout a half inch under and then I raised back up to about a half inch above the bottom this morning
  20. C

    First grow and goin south

    Yeah they are in Rockwool to