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  1. Alexander Supertramp

    Normal maturing purple pheno or a problem?

    I dont think its genetics. Most likely from being N deficient.
  2. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    No. This is where years of practical experience and knowledge out does a googler.
  3. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    I like your sense of humor.
  4. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    you are the deluded one.
  5. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    How does the flow of water have anything to do with it?
  6. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    I doubt he does. He is hopeless I am afraid.
  7. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    No airstones, just water continuously dripped through the medium. Hand watering has nothing to do with it either. You simply do not know what you are talking about when it comes to coco.
  8. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    Coco is different than Peat based mediums. I know a few growers that run continuous recirculating drip systems and Coco.
  9. Alexander Supertramp

    Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

    Coco is near impossible to over water. You would almost have to continuously run water through it to do so. And that water would have to be pretty O2 poor at that...
  10. Alexander Supertramp

    Spinning the plant causing deformed growth?

    #TRUMPTRAIN2016 Your response reminds me of those that spoke before Reagan won by a landslide over Carter in 1980. Immediately following Reagan's win. Our hostages in Iran where back on American soil. Not long after that the Berlin Wall came down. Following was a stronger US and World economy...
  11. Alexander Supertramp

    Spinning the plant causing deformed growth?

    IMO we only lose for sure if Clinton is elected. With Trump we stand a chance. Congress will keep him on a short lease. I say give change a chance. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  12. Alexander Supertramp

    I thought I had budrot, spreading from plant to plant but... (lots of pics)

    Looks like they are experiencing nutrient stress. IMO opinion its an improper diet causing your issues. What are you feeding them? And ignore the children arguing.
  13. Alexander Supertramp

    Methods for highest possible yield indoor

    Very nice analogy, Less heat, more sound. Pump up the volume,,,Thank You Sir.
  14. Alexander Supertramp

    Methods for highest possible yield indoor

    No it is not true different types of light of the same wattage emit equal amounts of heat. You just are not willing to do the research that will prove to yourself that you are wrong. Your statement saying light is heat is untrue also.
  15. Alexander Supertramp

    Methods for highest possible yield indoor

    Study the law of conservation of energy and the thermodynamic properties of light. You will find the correct logic. Photons carry energy which can then be converted to thermal energy under certain conditions, but photons definitely aren't heat themselves (especially since photons are massless...
  16. Alexander Supertramp

    Methods for highest possible yield indoor

    Sorry but your logic is flawed. Not not how the thermodynamics of light works.
  17. Alexander Supertramp

    Methods for highest possible yield indoor

    No they will not. LED is more efficient at turning electricity into light. Led yields more light per watt and less heat. HID is the opposite. Law of conservation of energy. check it out. Light energy vs Heat energy.
  18. Alexander Supertramp

    Opinions on defoliation in scrog

    Plants leaves do not see light as we do. Meaning those shadows our eyes see are not seen by plants. PAR light passes through the leaves even in shaded areas. The leaves only capture a small amount of the light or energy thats passes through them. The rest continues on to the next leaf, visibly...
  19. Alexander Supertramp

    Clinton Campaign caught paying the Homeless to incite violence.

    Historically a fact. Reagan did not pull ahead in the polls until the days leading up to the election. Go troll somewhere else.....