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  1. Alexander Supertramp

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Looks like a bit too much Nitrogen. Just plain water for a few waterings.
  2. Alexander Supertramp

    Help understanding lighting

    2 Two 315 watt CMH lights would work well.
  3. Alexander Supertramp

    mormon weed

    Could your post possibly be anymore wrong and bigoted?
  4. Alexander Supertramp

    Can't figure out what this is and it's killing my plants.

    And by that time of year the mast crop has been set and finished.
  5. Alexander Supertramp

    ROOT APHIDS The Final Solution!

    As long as you do not abuse them yes. Over concentrations of organic or synthetic nutrients can cause harm to soil microbes. In some cases organics can cause more harm than synthetics. Example: Manure can contain extremely high levels of ammonia Its very important to properly compost any manure...
  6. Alexander Supertramp

    China is making Cree CXB3590 now

    You get what you pay for....
  7. Alexander Supertramp

    Clone Smuggling - who has done it?

    Take the clone and give it a few days in a rapid rooter. Make sure the entire cutting and rooter are no longer than a toilet paper roll. Tuck the cutting and rooter inside a full roll of toilet paper. Then wrap the roll in some plastic wrap. Dont send the roll alone. Mix it in a small package of...
  8. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    Women all across America are jumping on the #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  9. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    No she is under investigation.
  10. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    So name one politician that's not a crook? And bankruptcy is not a criminal act by the way. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  11. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    And when he cuts the government cheese off. All of these "progressive" thinkers will actually have to get a job, Priceless! #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  12. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    The many liberals in this thread consider themselves "progressive thinkers." Hate to burst your bubbles kids. But socialism has been around for a very long time. Nothing "progressive" about it at all. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  13. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    And she is going after unfair global trade. Oh wait, it was her hubby Bill that passed NAFTA which was the opening of the flood gates. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  14. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    Unlike Hillary though he is not under criminal investigation by the FBI. Nuff said.... #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  15. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    That's as far as anyone needs to read into one of your posts to see your level of ignorance. Just another troll to ignore.....
  16. Alexander Supertramp

    Donald Trump

    Uncle Buck is the only thing shriveled around here. He is just a punk living in his moms basement. All you would have to do is say boo too him from across the street to make his shit himself. Best to just ignore him... #TRUMPTRAIN2016
  17. Alexander Supertramp

    Hillary Clinton has got the economy taken care of

    Not even worth discussing. Trump will be our next president.
  18. Alexander Supertramp

    Trouble cooling 4 1000watt hps!

    You may be moving to much air through the tent. So the AC units are not only trying to cool the tent but also the entire room the tent is in. Try moving less air.
  19. Alexander Supertramp

    Super freaking out please help

    Thats one of the dumbest things I have seen posted here.