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  1. ChingOwn

    ★ Atomic Squat ★

    Fuck ya they were
  2. ChingOwn

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Sonoran Desert is one upping your weather today...happy Friday to you to sir.
  3. ChingOwn

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Good morning ! On the advice of the good Dr. Andre Romell Young, aka Dr. Dre I'm listening to this forgotten album during my morning squat thrusts.I can't listen to the Nevermind album anymore but I forgot about Bleach.
  4. ChingOwn

    Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

    Different strokes for different folks bud, my mind had them passing around a bottle of whiskey catorizing wounds with fire pokers. Not trying to insult the martini just saying it's not what I imagined
  5. ChingOwn

    Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

    I feel like I read that in an old issue of field and stream at my grandpa's when I was a kid. Have a hard time believing martinis were the drink of choice after that adventure. Edit: I did not read the intro where you said it was a true story..Good prose and writing, was it in the magazine???
  6. ChingOwn

    Getting some surgery tomorrow

    I forgot to add that based on where the scar is it seems completely unnecessary lol
  7. ChingOwn

    Getting some surgery tomorrow

    No if you cut yourself the deals off. It was just slightly traumatizing. I was like it will just be some old lady it will be fine. Then I get there and was not 1 but 3 super hotties like a porno all different styles, one dark, one blonde, one asain..but no ball shave then they wheel me in, and...
  8. ChingOwn

    Getting some surgery tomorrow

    I gotta do this shit too. Fuckers been dislocating since I was 18 that's over 18 years, Fuck I'm old. Gotta Hernia surgery about 9 years ago.. they wait till your asleep to shave your balls, and uhh don't eat the same day after your surgery.. you'll puke your brains out.
  9. ChingOwn

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    And here I was as a child wondering how we as land dwellers hunted a cliff edge dwelling, solitary, flying animal, to seemingly brink of extinction. What are they doing there?
  10. ChingOwn

    New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

    So this is a lazy Saturday Hot smoke not full balls, so two parts brown sugar to one part salt. Let it set in the fridge for a few hours till the sugar is liquefied and smoke for about an hour.
  11. ChingOwn

    New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

    Imma smoke some salmon and eat it on some rye bread with a hard boiled later
  12. ChingOwn

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    So anyway taco bell has these little Cinnabon shits like a donut hole full of semen. Not saying it's good but it exists
  13. ChingOwn

    $300+ {Rams-49ers parking prices are outrageous}

    You know there is a commercial about this you are becoming your parents
  14. ChingOwn

    Bear’s Kitchen: a T&T foodie thread

    Fart ya dude its best of best on seafood, I have this crazy adventure story about having to journey into little Mexico in the DC area just to get some tapa tio for my oysters Rockefeller, back at fat boys in Bowie Md where i was stuck for 6 months....can't believe there areas of the country that...
  15. ChingOwn

    Random Jabber Jibber thread Jamie Labar was working at the front desk at a Super 8 hotel in Montour County, Pennsylvania, on Friday when she heard that there had been a crash on the highw... Oh fuck ya, I wish it was apes but I'll take what...
  16. ChingOwn

    RIP Meatloaf

  17. ChingOwn


  18. ChingOwn

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Ya for sure you're gonna get one I'm trying to pm people but don't know if I know how
  19. ChingOwn

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Feel like ive been being a doosh canoo lately .. Imma pm some people that I feel like I owe, or should do a nice thing for from the before times. Please don't be scared