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    PurpleCake from Greenpoint seeds that was backordered arrived today with no issues. Going to give them a few days of refrigerator time (fake winter) and then drop them to see what happens.
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Received my backordered pack of PurpleCake today with no issues whatsoever.
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    Useful Seeds

    Around 10wks. I really don't keep a close track on it unless I have a special reason to do so. It is starting to show ambers and I am preparing to cut in the next few days (once the last watering has time to dry out some). Super strong burnt rubber smell.
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    Useful Seeds

    Mint Chocolate Trip
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    I caught it on the 50% off sale. Figured for that price even waiting on backorder and even if things went sideways, it was worth the chance. Got an email at the beginning of the week that it was being mailed out so now waiting for it to arrive.
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    Yep. I have a pack coming and after seeing grow pics, I will be cloning every single one of them.
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    Disappointed with Breeders.

    I really like the communication and information provided by Shwaggy P. It is all around impressive.
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    Epstein Commits Suicide.

    He commited suicide. If one person holding the rope and two people pulling his legs is considered suicide.
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    Useful Seeds

    Or you could just roll the dice. Dont make a big order. If you need to, make a couple smaller orders. I send cash all the time and have never had a problem (knock on wood).
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    Useful Seeds

    Whered you get the materials? Amazon?
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    Best LED light on Amazon?

    You may have missed my post where I said I use quantum boards. But I will guarantee you, within 3 years, the boards I paid 600 for, will be around 200 and there will be some other "must have" led for 600-800. Anyway, good luck with it.
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    Best LED light on Amazon?

    I think you get my point... Before they were shitting on blurple they were praising them, whether it was 2 years ago or 10 years ago. It has been that way with LED since they became a thing. Granted, I do believe LED is the future of indoor lighting, but the point remains the same. Today's...
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    Best LED light on Amazon?

    I use one for veg. I have quantum for 1 grow area and Hid for another.
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    Is it just me or are THC levels going DOWN?!

    Yeah, they are finding out now that those old plants with 8% thc were combined with other cannabinoids that would do things like.... lower your tolerance to THC, so you could get ripped off of 8%. Outdoor wild plants are generally weaker since the main trait is going to be strength to grow and...
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    Best LED light on Amazon?

    Right now most people are leaning towards the quantum boards as being the best LED. But who is to say, every year they come out and say the new stuff is the best and last years model isnt worth throwing in a garbage bin. Kind of funny how quickly LEDs change from the greatest thing ever to the...
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    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Not a military base... The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) has been growing marijuana at their campus for as long as I can remember. It is a government contract. You can go to the Ole Miss campus and go to the field they have and smell the marijuana. It is behind a 10ft barbed wire topped...
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    The Plug seedbank

    I have a currylato a few weeks in flower. I will update as it matures.
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    Real GG#4???

    I would say it was the heat that caused it to grow foxtailed like that.
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    Looking for Michoacan

    Seems to me you sound more like a stupid kid than anyone on this board. Relax and learn....