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  1. V

    Can you get high by touching weed??? I feel it!!! :-/

    i asked myself the exact same thing when i was smelling my plants smelling all kind of flowers can make u happier relaxed
  2. V

    How to use biobizz

    i started using bio bloom 2 weeks earlyer or so when there weer no buds u can also continue using grow(if u are using it) two weeks in flowering but half the dosage u used in veg state) u can t really go wrong with them
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    thank u i really apreciate ur kindness and humanity .God bless u!
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    yeah u are right but i still have faith and keep walking, thank u for asking!
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    my first and hope it will be the last experience on datura made me apreciate my life and mental health better
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    yeah i get what u mean
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    so to be more explicit i will explain the whole damn thing as much as i i ate a bulb and a half the taste was of parfume and pretty bitter that it kinda made u understand it has a kind of poison in it so idk those shells with spikes are on the plant for a reason i guess. One hour after i...
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    i tried it yesterdam the most spokiesr weird s frightrning dtuff i br rbt tried i esd tslking with my mother on the sofs but theb i res;idrd i esd tslking alone srru foe rh bad punctuation y vision still blurry
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    Thanks man
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    This is my first time trying datura because of curiosity about it how many bulbs should I eat to be safe like 1 2? I m talking bulbs not seeds
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    u are right!
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    Half July planting

    thanks man!
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    Half July planting

    Is to late to start my seed half July?
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    Yeah I thought so
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    It was moist
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    Today were good and in direct sunlight maybe 35 celsius maximum
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    But may be because I added worm humus in it but owrm humus should t burn plants
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    I Don t use any nutrients right now only watter
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    Is cannaterra professional and I mix it with a little worm humus