Yeah is still super weir that both of them became like this, maybe because I sprinkled some water near them to keep em moist and it was hot outside and they were in the sun?
can anyone who had grown and smoked this stuff do a smoke report about this ?Im talking about the old kali mist that had no indica in it pure sativa(cambodian x thaix colombian) heard good things about it
it has an easy taste of fruity plant leaf it is as if the taste of the leaveshas been trasnformed in something more complex/sweet a little hint of green tea the taste is light sweet
my jlf smells really strong fermented like alcoohol i don t wanna say like a known drink but it has a strong fermented pungent/stingy smell and when u open it has some kind of fumes/steam is it allright?
u could get some compost and some bat guanno if u rlly don t wan t to complicate urself so much it wil really help and u will get good results and wattering every 3 days isn t that complicated or watter when the soil is dry
so i took multiple plants leaves,weeds, branches etc and tossed them in a bottle and then poured some watter over them, should i let the bottle ferment in the sun or in the shadow for the best quallity?