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  1. V

    My seedlings died and idk why

    It has worm humus in it but the soil has peat moss etc
  2. V

    My seedlings died and idk why

    Don t think over watering it was pretty hot outside and I tried to keep em moist that s all
  3. V

    My seedlings died and idk why

    Yeah is still super weir that both of them became like this, maybe because I sprinkled some water near them to keep em moist and it was hot outside and they were in the sun?
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    But why did they became like this?
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    Today they were good
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    My plants died why?
  7. V

    curing weed

    and u keep the fan on or create some airflow right?how long it takes till it becomes dry 1 month?or when do u start to smoke?
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    curing weed

    why most of the people cure/dry weed in the jars and they don t simply dry it hanging?
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    old kali mist

    It seems like a quality smoke I guess thanks!
  10. V

    old kali mist

    can anyone who had grown and smoked this stuff do a smoke report about this ?Im talking about the old kali mist that had no indica in it pure sativa(cambodian x thaix colombian) heard good things about it
  11. V

    organic homemade fertilizer

    it has an easy taste of fruity plant leaf it is as if the taste of the leaveshas been trasnformed in something more complex/sweet a little hint of green tea the taste is light sweet
  12. V

    organic homemade fertilizer

    myabe because i put some mint in it?let me see
  13. V

    organic homemade fertilizer

    my jlf smells really strong fermented like alcoohol i don t wanna say like a known drink but it has a strong fermented pungent/stingy smell and when u open it has some kind of fumes/steam is it allright?
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    Outdoor pot grow no nutrients used.

    i wouldn t say lack of effort i would say he is growing with what he has on hand
  15. V

    Outdoor pot grow no nutrients used.

    u could get some compost and some bat guanno if u rlly don t wan t to complicate urself so much it wil really help and u will get good results and wattering every 3 days isn t that complicated or watter when the soil is dry
  16. V

    organic homemade fertilizer

    so i took multiple plants leaves,weeds, branches etc and tossed them in a bottle and then poured some watter over them, should i let the bottle ferment in the sun or in the shadow for the best quallity?
  17. V

    Planting in July with low level of sunlight

    Can I get at least 50 grams per plant planting in 20 litre soil in pots inJuly with just 4 hours of sunlight?
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    seedlings in the wild

    There are no deers tbere it s a spot in nature near a lake, I live there since I was a child and seen only owls foxes rats mice eagles
  19. V

    seedlings in the wild

    what i m worried is that someting may eat my seedlings before they have a chance to grow