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  1. S

    The klx Way!

    I think house of hydro are reasonably priced for what you get. The reason I’m not building my room yet is because I want to get everything perfect. speaking of misters that’s something else I’m looking into. Automatic foliar you know those misters you get in hot countries and they spray you...
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    The klx Way!

    Havnt got to that part of my build yet. Could learn from your mistake. Which relays do you recommend? I was gonna use an ardunio one on amazon...
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    The klx Way!

    So far my house Of hydro misters have been used as a diy humidifier for months no issues. Baring in mind clones don’t use nutes so the corrosion of low ppm tap water is very low. Also house of hydro ain’t no cheap Chinese crap. They have anti corrosion plating
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    The klx Way!

    I have a space issue. im toying with the idea of building my own. vertical hieght is my problem so I am thinking of low profile totes and an inlet pipe and I’ll use a house of hydro fogger with a fan on a timer blasting them with mist not enough room for the space for pump+ sprinkler manifold
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    The klx Way!

    I’ve converted to ft the exact table sizes are 105cm x 405cm I will flood to maybe 4 inches
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    The klx Way!

    I plan to have 3 tables 14 x 4 ft and res will be 750l. I’m setting up 3 2 inch solenoid valve that switches Between the tables using an arduino
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    The klx Way!

    how come you can’t figure how to do flood and drain large scale? It’s the most simplest grow method imo I’m probably going to be working on it over Christmas. Big project
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    greenleaf megacrop

    do I have v1 or v2 megacrop? Trying to figure out if I will likely need calmag under leds. Not sure if this is the one with more calmag or not
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    The klx Way!

    im building 4ft x 14ft flood tables. I had considered using hydroton but at harvest I plan to be able to walk into the tables to access the plants at the back which would crush the hydroton in that case but also do you not get white salt stuck to your hydroton since the nutes evaping causes...
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    The klx Way!

    Good to hear. I’m designing my new room entirely based on your no media method. cleaning or disposing of 100l of hydroton everygrow is a nightmare
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    The klx Way!

    Why did you start using clay balls again? Did You have issues with using no media at all?
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    making my own nutes

    That’s helpful thanks do you have any input on the amino acid compounds?
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    making my own nutes

    Magnesium aspartate or magnesium citrate Calcium lactate Mono ammonium glutamate calcium phosphate Potassium silicate Monopotassium glutamate Magnesium sulfate that’s my research done for the night... anyone got any input or reasons why these could not be used? They are all soluble in...
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    making my own nutes

    Just noticed that. Im trying to find a way to decouple magnesium And calcium from other elements and it’s a struggle. One other option I’ve just come across is calcium humate still working on finding out if it will work in hydroponics
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    making my own nutes

    calcium hydroxide dissolves in water at 1.5g/l why aren't people using this as a calcium supplement? it would give complete control over the calcium
  16. S

    making my own nutes

    these are the figures ive got so far discounting all the micros week 1-3 flower Nitrogen (N) 144 Phosphorous (P) 150 Potassium (K) 154 Calcium 230 Magnesium 92 Silicon 58.2 Sulfur 102.0 week 3-6 Nitrogen (N) 103 Phosphorous (P) 203 Potassium (K) 154 Calcium 219 Magnesium 92 Silicon 58 Sulfur...
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    making my own nutes

    seen that thanks. it doesn’t really give me any control on the amount of nitrogen though. As when I turn down the nitrogen I’ll have little calcium that’s why I’m looking at triple superphosphate (calcium phosphate) calcium carbonate Magnesium carbonate Magnesium sulfate Calcium sulfate. I...
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    making my own nutes

    magnesium phosphate was the one I was most interested in. So dissolving magnesium carbonate in phosphoric acid gives you magnesium phosphate but that magnesium phosphate is then left in water: according to wiki that isn’t soluble. Dissolving monomagnesium phosphate in water, forms phosphoric...
  19. S

    making my own nutes

    Ive been playing around with nute calculators sourcing local dry fertilizers and trying to perfect the ratios I want and I was wanting to use some that are supposedly completely insoluble in water. According to Wiki. Such as Calcium carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, magnesium phosphate. GH Bloom...
  20. S


    So, ive spent hours and hours searching through local suppliers for a good powdered nute. ive found this: Solufeed Strawberry Special 20 kg Total nitrogen (N) 2.2% P2O5 (P) 9.2% K2O (K) 29% MgO (Mg) 8.9% Boron (B) soluble in water Copper (Cu) (EDTA) 0.03% Iron (Fe) (EDTA) Manganese (Mn)...