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  1. Stone_Free

    The Divided States of America

    C'mon America, you can put a man on the moon but can't count a few bits of paper! FFS...sort it out!! :D
  2. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Things are already on the move I guess. Things like the closed airspace over Biden's home and the extra Secret Service are a sign to Trump that he doesn't call the shots. If Trump tries to stay in the WH I think he'll be there on his own....well maybe with a few flies....but Trump's team will...
  3. Stone_Free

    Biden won Asked about the possibility that Donald Trump won’t concede, Joe Biden’s campaign pointed to a statement they made earlier this summer, indicating this is a...
  4. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Especially if Trump has to pay back $400,000,000 in loans that are due soon. Can't see even QAnon & the NRA stumping up that much cash for him. :D
  5. Stone_Free

    The Divided States of America

    And you have Pike's Peak!
  6. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I think even the flies wouldn't go near Pence now....some shit is even too much for flies :D
  7. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    One good thing is that once Trump has lost he'll stop getting the 'privileges' he gets on Twitter. They'll delete his posts, warn him and then ban him if he doesn't stop with the lies etc. They've already said as much. :)
  8. Stone_Free

    The Divided States of America

    A date with destiny :D
  9. Stone_Free

    The Divided States of America

    The Garden State just got a little greener :)
  10. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I wonder if Trump will start a conflict somewhere, maybe Iran...and say the situation is too bad to hand over the presidency during 'a war'.....wouldn't surprise me if he did. Mike Pompeo would be lapping it up, he likes a good war.
  11. Stone_Free

    Biden won Fox News may soon declare Joe Biden to be the winner of the presidential race, but the network’s anchors have been instructed not to refer to the Democratic...
  12. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Maybe Esper did it just as he handed in his resignation letter :)
  13. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    You just know Donald is checking the cash register in the WH gift shop.....
  14. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Yeah those pollsters kidnapped 'em :D
  15. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Cyrus Vance Jr... <iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
  16. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    For the Republicans, all the shit Trump has pulled so far is just taking care of business.
  17. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    If he really goes batshit crazy they may not have much choice....he could become a national security risk if he starts talking about bombing Iran or some shit like that.
  18. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I guess it depends how unhinged Trump becomes. If he starts talking about doing some nasty shit like attacking China they'll have to cart him off to the loony bin.
  19. Stone_Free

    Biden won Bannon suspended from Twitter, faces YouTube removal after urging violence against US officials Steve Bannon, Trump’s former top adviser, has been suspended...
  20. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Maybe some Republicans will decide that Trump needs to be removed and they'll say he has become'll look pretty bad for them if Trump pulls some bad shit before January.