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  1. Stone_Free

    Zkittlez auto seedsman

    Yeah, a lot of people over-think them and obsess about yield, spending a ton of cash on shit they don't need.
  2. Stone_Free

    Zkittlez auto seedsman

    Yeah, it's like a bad workman blaming his tools for the shoddy job he's done.
  3. Stone_Free

    Zkittlez auto seedsman

    Some great growing skills and plants there mate, nice one! Now where are all these people that say not to bother with auto's because the yield is low, buds aren't dense blah blah blah. :D
  4. Stone_Free

    What question would you ask Amy Coney Barrett?

    On the plus side, with all that extra time he can work on his spelling and grammar. :D
  5. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Never understood why older men such as Mick Jagger etc continue to father kids when they're in their 70's. It's like they have to keep proving their virility and cannot accept that they get older like the rest of us.
  6. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I think thee might be more to this when Trump is away. While Don is trying to find the hole on his golf course someone else is finding another hole... :hump:
  7. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I have a feeling you'll have the last laugh come next week...
  8. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I like that someone called him "unpolished." That seems to be about as good as it gets for Trump. Except for the fact that you cannot polish a turd. :D
  9. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I was wondering the same thing. What has it actually got to do with ICE? They must be the only idiots that will do Trump's bidding. Isn't there a Dept. of Homeland Security that should be involved, rather than ICE?
  10. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I think you're right. The thinking inside the Republican party will be, do we choose to go down with a sinking ship or save our sorry asses and the seat on the gravy train that is modern politics? They'll choose the gravy train every time, especially when they know Trump is a busted flush.....or...
  11. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

  12. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Completely agree. If justice isn't seen to be done then every other person who breaks the law can legitimately question why there is punishment for some and not others. I think there is a high probability that if/when Trump loses he'll try to get his base to stir up trouble and this could get...
  13. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I think the absolute worst thing for America, assuming Trump loses, is that he gets away with all the shit he's pulled. That'll set a precedent for future idiot presidents to do wtf they like. Future presidents have to be able to look back and see what happens to them if they treat the job as...
  14. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I hope Joe has the balls to put Trump in his place. If he starts being conciliatory and all nicey-nicey then Trump will really start to stir things up and get his goons to kick off. IMO he needs to tell Trump straight, if an investigation finds you did bad stuff that endangered the American...
  15. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    The problem will be when QAnon start saying that the lower your IQ the more intelligent you are! :D
  16. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    It's got to the point where they believe a conspiracy theory no matter how ridiculous it is, even that doctors kill people for cash. Trump has a lot to answer for. I hope him and his kids go to prison.
  17. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    So Trump is now claiming that doctors get paid more money if someone dies from Covid, so they are pushing up the numbers to earn extra cash. What. A. Sick. Fuck.
  18. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    But wind is expensive! Have you seen what it costs to survey for it, pump it out the ground, refine it and then distribute it all around the country? :D
  19. Stone_Free

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Assuming he can find it.