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  1. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    sting plays bass my man
  2. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    i agree and yes im judging this on technical ability and innovation i just dont see how they couldve made such HUGE exlcusions and were talking about Rolling Stone here i mean im sure they had like a panel to decide this or sumthin and they come up with this load of shit...they souldve done...
  3. Snickelfrits

    How long after sprouting does it take for Auto berry to start flowering? Anyone know?

    most autos should show sex and start to flower around day 20ish
  4. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    Dimebag is another they left out WTF man i mean i get goosebumps every time i hear Cemetery Gates
  5. Snickelfrits

    people or things that piss you off!!!

    yess def overdraft charges...fuckin theivin basterds...banks get millions in bailout dollars and then charge me 40 bucks for a 5 dollar charge FUCK BANKS im buyin a wall safe lolz
  6. Snickelfrits

    fluffy buds plz help

    honestly man i could understand if they were fluffy to begin w/ as i grow w cfls 2 and my first grow i had some fluffy buds but for then 2 be rock hard one day and then fluffy? i dunno man well have 2 wait and see if someone with a little more xp can answer that 4 ya:)
  7. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    hes #9 i think thats reasonable and yes although im too young to have grown up with Zeppelin i absolutely love of the best bands of all time IMO...timeless timeless music
  8. Snickelfrits

    fluffy buds plz help

    what kinda lights??
  9. Snickelfrits

    people or things that piss you off!!!

    Justin Bieber...i wanna shoot him in the face...the US govt..Lady Gaga...aaaaaannnnnnnnddd Christmas just bc i work in retail and Black Friday is like a nightmare
  10. Snickelfrits

    Stealth Speaker grow

    bad fuckin ass man +rep 4 u
  11. Snickelfrits

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    Ok so i was checkin out a rolling stone list of the top 100 guitarists ever (link below) and i just feel like this list is totally flawed...first of all Hendrix #1 really?...he is an amazing guitarist and innovator but i really...
  12. Snickelfrits

    If You Have Or Have Ever Had Spider Mites Read This

    thanks for keepin this thread up there i just figured id bump it cause i havnt seen it in awhile
  13. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    thanks for the input everyone:)
  14. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    filled with cheetos
  15. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    i think theyre doin pretty good for 20 days...heres a pic of my new cure jar as well ...i call him Gary the Ganja Gnome
  16. Snickelfrits

    pickle jars

    i had some spaghetti sauce jars i was using for curing and i thought i got the smell out but the other day i smelled the empty jars and sure enough they smell like sauce...i got a new cure jar though heres a pic...i call him "Gary The Ganja Gnome"
  17. Snickelfrits

    All time favorite weed song to listen when your high?

    Bone thugs - weed song for sure or Buddha Luvers or Sublime - Get Ready
  18. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    i hate snow
  19. Snickelfrits

    pickle jars

    baking soda...i use empty liquor bottles
  20. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    i need weed