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  1. Elguapoot

    Canopy blocking light from lower bud sites & LST

    He everyone. I'm a first time grower and I'm doing this by the seat of my pants so dumb questions may abound. I am growing this Royal Dwarf autoflower in a space bucket. It's on about week three and the upper canopy has some pretty large leaves that are blocking light from lower bud sites. I...
  2. Elguapoot

    How much nutrient to mix for single autoflower plant?

    Do you have a recommendation re: a root booster?
  3. Elguapoot

    How much nutrient to mix for single autoflower plant?

    I'm growing in John Innes Potting compost mixed w/ vermiculite and peralite.
  4. Elguapoot

    How much nutrient to mix for single autoflower plant?

    Hi everyone, I am a first time grower. I'm growing a single autoflowering plant in soil, in a space bucket. A lot of the info I read re: mixing nutrients in water are for people growing multiple plants. I've only got the single plant right now and I don't want give it too much. I am using Fox...
  5. Elguapoot

    Autoflower germ-seedling watering

    Have a similar question.