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  1. potroastV2

    Not really new but been away.

    Welcome back. Was it @Derick Crane ? :mrgreen:
  2. potroastV2

    States and Abortion

    Hmmm, I said "idiotic redneck" and you responded ... very telling. Own it, son. :roll: :mrgreen:
  3. potroastV2

    States and Abortion

    Yeah, I usually just put a laughing emoji on their stupid posts. That's because we allow idiotic rednecks to post their ideas here, too. :lol: :mrgreen:
  4. potroastV2

    States and Abortion

    Yeah, I know. I knew it would turn out to be a troll thread when it was posted. If you don't remember my definition of a troll thread: a member starts a thread with just "discuss," and then doesn't participate in the discussion. :mrgreen:
  5. potroastV2

    Trump Likely To Announce 2024 Run Soon Because He's A 'Freaking Toddler,' Says Ex-GOP Official

    Oh goody! Interest in the Politics Forum will increase and post numbers will skyrocket higher. :clap: And comedy writers will have a lot of new material. :lol: :mrgreen:
  6. potroastV2


    Do you really want @jsatch to bend over and spread his ass cheeks to show you??? :roll: :mrgreen:
  7. potroastV2

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    You deep south boys are soooo edgy! :clap: :mrgreen:
  8. potroastV2

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    It happens every time ... One moron admits to not being vaxxed, and several more come out of the woodwork to chime in with their bullshit! :roll: Just like when you see one cockroach, several more show up soon. :mrgreen:
  9. potroastV2

    Hold on to your hats libbys

    He's an ANTI-VAXXER!! :shock: :mrgreen:
  10. potroastV2

    Elons Little Plan

    It's a full moon. :idea: :mrgreen:
  11. potroastV2


    Definition of a troll: When called out on his bullshit statements, he doubles down on it by spouting more bullshit. :mrgreen:
  12. potroastV2

    Elons Little Plan

    If you don't like Musk, you can try Hai Karate or Old Spice. :lol: :mrgreen:
  13. potroastV2

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    Well, aren't you precious? Good for you, little guy! I had you pegged at closer to 22 anyway. :lol: You're so clever and edgy, and at this rate will not make it through the week here. Keep on keeping on, deep south bumpkin. :mrgreen:
  14. potroastV2

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    So you're calling me a liar, when you wrote in your profile that you are 45 years old!?! :lol: Now we all know why you're a trump chump, you are so easily duped! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
  15. potroastV2

    January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

    What about your stars and bars flag on your front porch, deep south boy? :roll: You say you are 45, and you are still this stupid? Obviously you will never learn. :mrgreen:
  16. potroastV2

    The Junk Drawer

    You can edit your avatar in your profile, and you can move it around so it fits within the circle just the way you want it to. :mrgreen:
  17. potroastV2

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    Only a shitstained asswipe would defend gun owners in a mass shooting thread. :roll: :mrgreen:
  18. potroastV2

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Call me an idiot again, young man. Just say goodbye when you do. :mrgreen:
  19. potroastV2


    Hard pass! I actually HAVE a life. :roll: :mrgreen:
  20. potroastV2

    Is Biden really that bad?

    That would be a good guess, but this guy may speak French. :confused: :mrgreen: