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  1. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    That's OK son, I find your skinhead amusing. :mrgreen:
  2. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    I've never seen such fake blubbering before in my life! The kid has been coached well, but he was fake crying and faking emotions. :mrgreen:
  3. potroastV2

    Bacon Shortage

    Uhhh, that would be about 105,000 hog dogs!! :shock: I'm sure your wife has to leave the house when you poo. :lol: :mrgreen:
  4. potroastV2

    infrastructure vote surprise...

    Oooh, sick burn! :roll: Good for you, little guy. :mrgreen:
  5. potroastV2

    Mandatory Covid Vaccination is coming!

    You're 24 years old, and you get the flu every year after getting a flu shot??? Wow! You're a sick puppy. :mrgreen:
  6. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    What do you expect? He says he's mad. :mrgreen:
  7. potroastV2

    infrastructure vote surprise...

    For once you are correct. His original account is Alcoholock. Why am I not surprised? :lol: :mrgreen:
  8. potroastV2

    Tenpins, politically

    Candlepin bowlers have small balls. Dat's all I've got. :mrgreen:
  9. potroastV2

    Pandemic 2020

    Yep, that precious little snowflake is trying so hard to rankle other members here! He's just so adorable. :mrgreen:
  10. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    You're both correct ... simpletons are easily duped! :lol: :mrgreen:
  11. potroastV2

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    Cool story, Bro. You don't pay attention to any news, and you only listen to the pigs!! :roll: :mrgreen:
  12. potroastV2

    The journalistic obligation to fact

    I laugh out loud at many of these right-wing simpletons who always say "yeah but ..." and "what about ..." to anything said about FOX "news." :lol: And they always mention Rachel Maddow, I can only assume that they are threatened by a woman who is so much smarter than they are! It's actually...
  13. potroastV2

    Biden Shanked The Progs

    From reading his posts, that's how he usually likes to eat them. :razz: :mrgreen:
  14. potroastV2

    Biden Shanked The Progs

    I don't know what you're looking at, but he is not banned. I just deleted his offensive post. :mrgreen:
  15. potroastV2

    The dream is dead.

    You should not concern yourself son, we allow morons like you to post here too! :lol: :mrgreen:
  16. potroastV2

    Bad growing advice

    That's quite enough of this "cultivation" thread. :mrgreen:
  17. potroastV2

    Pandemic 2020

    Oh, I understand now. It's 3 berries ... out of 10. :lol: not quite enough for even the booby prize. :cry: :mrgreen:
  18. potroastV2

    Do you have a Swiffer Duster?

    Do you have a Swiffer Duster?
  19. potroastV2

    Pandemic 2020

    said many of those who have died! :roll: Famous last words. :lol: :mrgreen:
  20. potroastV2

    The dream is dead.

    I laugh out loud at the uneducated, low-IQ, and easily duped people who live in California! You are upset that most all of our elected Reps are "fucked up liberals." :lol: Just move to a redneck state where you won't be whining so much! :mrgreen: