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  1. Seawood

    ** Bag Of Oranges ** Community Journal **

    Here’s my 30 gal outdoor Boo in the far Northeast. Stem rub gives a very distinctive burnt orange peel smell. Looking forward to seeing what fruits she will bear come fall…hopefully Mother Nature is kind to me this year.
  2. Seawood

    Thoughts on PureCrop1?

    I’ve used Purecrop as part of a maintenance/IPM routine. It’s definitely not the cure-all some claim it is but it does seem to help keep pests in check but there are better products for specific issues such as mites/PM. Not sure on your issue. Are broad/russet mites a thing in your area? As...
  3. Seawood

    early flowering

    These plants don’t look like they’re flowering. Even if they are, just let them go. I’ve had outdoor plants go into full on flower mode from light stress and I just let them re-veg and they turned out perfectly fine. My biggest yield ever on an outdoor plant was one that flowered early then...
  4. Seawood

    Never ceases to amaze me!

    Gotta ask…why were you dropping beans outdoors in the fall? Was this one of those “let’s see what happens” experiments?
  5. Seawood

    Germinating for outdoor

    It’s a bit early to put them out. Two issues…frost and if they’re sexually mature enough by then, they might start to go into flower due to the daylight hours not being long enough. Best to wait until end of the month or early June after the frost is no longer a threat and there’s enough...
  6. Seawood

    Looking for a reliable source for delicious seeds sugar black rose.

    I’ve always ordered directly from them. No issues getting the beans but I’m in Canada. You just missed their Black Friday deal…60% off.
  7. Seawood

    Terps that remind you of your first time

    Oregano…that’s what reminds me of my first time. 14 years old and scored a dime bag behind the local McDonalds…paid $10 for about 1/2 gram of oregano. Didn’t get me real high….lol. True story.
  8. Seawood

    How are things looking?

    That’s bud rot. Keep a close eye on your plants. It can get out of control fast. Spray the rot with H202, cut it out then spray the spot you cut again. You’re getting very close…ride it as long as you can but if the rot starts to take over, I’d start harvesting. Start with the larger tops first...
  9. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Exactly. Nothing that is approved for cannabis.
  10. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    One would think…‍
  11. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Funny…I just went through the same exercise looking at an indoor setup. I just can’t justify it right now. I’m going to do the same next year with Zerotol. Be nice if there was a systemic fungicide for Botrytis. If someone could invent a product like that they’d become very wealthy.
  12. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Northeast of Maine. I’m in Southeastern NB. It’s abnormal to get humidity here in September like we’ve had the past week or so. Completely fucked a couple of my plants. Amazing how things can go south so fast. I put the two good plants in my shed with a couple fans and a dehumidifier…winds...
  13. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Yep, shit year in the northeast. I salvaged a few zips of immature, shitty bud off one plant but the rest of it is screwed. Another whole plant is a write-off. Hopefully the other two can make it through the next 3 days. Weather looks good after that but it might be too late. I don’t know how...
  14. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    That sucks, man…sorry to hear. I’m in the same boat but mine aren’t far enough along to even consider harvesting. The bud rot is getting out of control. Only way to change the tides is dry weather and that ain’t happening. Better luck next year I guess…
  15. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    For me, I would take a look at the weather and how bad the rot is. Those buds are looking pretty good…pistils starting to recede and the swell is happening. That being said, I would try to limp them a bit longer but you need to do what you feel is right. I suspect your lower buds aren’t as...
  16. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    I’d trade botrytis for mites any day, honestly. You are misinterpreting my sarcasm as a positive attitude. Lol. I’m pissed but used to it…same shit every year but it’s getting old. Having to constantly inspect the plants and keep cutting yield away…ugh…such a kick in the nuts. Here’s a pic of...
  17. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Well, the bud rot is starting to rear its ugly head. Found a bunch this morning and with a forecast of 95-100% RH for the next week, I don’t expect it to get any better. On top of that it looks like Lee will be showing up this weekend. Gotta look at the bright side…less trimming, right? I’m a...
  18. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Lol. I have a dolly I use to move them around. It’s a bit of a gong show but doable…they aren’t going far.
  19. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Yessir. I have some 3/8” rebar for stakes.
  20. Seawood

    Open show an tell 2023

    Same weather here. I’m keeping a close eye on the storm. If it hits us, the plants are going in the garage. I built a makeshift cover for the wet weather we are supposed to get over the next week or so but I don’t think it’s a hurricane approved structure…everything is looking good and I’m gonna...