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  1. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    Ah well, FBI only has Hunter’s laptop for a money laundering investigation. Nothing to see here.
  2. Bugeye


    I agree.
  3. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    No, I meant Fifty Cent. He endorsed Trump thereby no longer being black per Biden. There is no need to be so abrasive, we are just talking politics here, there will be disagreement
  4. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

  5. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    Are you sure? My link from CNN, a reputable news group, says it was an accidental exposure. What is accidental about masturbating for coworkers?
  6. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    Lol, on another note, do you think it is fair for Jeffrey Toobin to be suspended for an accidental exposure on a zoom call? Why take away a guys gig over an accident? Outrageous!
  7. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    To a hard core leftist, it does not matter that Biden is corrupt, it is irrelevant because he is one of their own. Likewise, there are so many on the right that really do not care for the Trump personality, but will vote for him because of what he has done. This story only matters to the small...
  8. Bugeye

    Have you voted yet?

    I agree.
  9. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    In other news, 50 Cent "ain't black" anymore.
  10. Bugeye

    Have you voted yet?

    My vote is in. Don’t worry, my state will go for Biden.
  11. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    This story is actually about a sitting Vice President selling access to the Obama administration and then lying about it.
  12. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    Seems odd that a person on the Hunter email distribution would confirm the email as real if it is all just Russian propaganda.
  13. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    More stories coming but this is really not new news on Biden corruption. True that there is no denial from Biden camp, nor has there been anything that refutes the story. The icing on the cake, Biden goes into hiding from media with 2 weeks to go! Don’t believe the polls folks, this one is...
  14. Bugeye

    Oh Hunter!

    Nothing surprising about Biden corruption, but Hunter abandoning his laptop with the pay for play documented? I'm sure it didn't happen if the liberal media doesn't report it. LOL I sincerely hope someone is around Hunter to look after his welfare. Bummer we won't see any more 30 car rallies...
  15. Bugeye

    Moderator abuse - any remedies?

    Uh, no. When you have a politics forum, free speech is expected, within limits for sure. Now I understand that I am to take my abuse and like it because mods can be as petty as they want for absolutely no reason.
  16. Bugeye

    Moderator abuse - any remedies?

    Thank you. Good to know what you really think of your members.
  17. Bugeye

    Moderator abuse - any remedies?

    I didn't threaten anything, just seeking options to stop this silliness. Why even have a Politics section if only one political view is tolerated? I take it I have no remedies here.
  18. Bugeye

    Moderator abuse - any remedies?

    A moderator has chosen to be abusive and place me in permanent turtle mode without any explanation. This mod routinely bans me from posting in threads in the Politics section for no apparent reason, other than my political opinion differs from his. I would like to put an end to this as I have...
  19. Bugeye

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Its estimated that 200 million have now died from COVID 19 complications. Crazy deadly.
  20. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    Kinda funny/ironic how Harry Reid made it possible for RBGs seat to go conservative right before this election.