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  1. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    All I have done is point out an obvious and entertaining case of both parties instantaneously switching their positions. Funny as hell to me. Dems can do whatever they want and of course I expect them to do whatever they can to stop RBGs seat from going conservative. But let's not pretend that...
  2. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    Maybe, repubs have 54 votes in the Senate by party, not a lot of wiggle room.
  3. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    I favor a recess appointment and a confirmation following the election with new Senate. Better to have 9 seated for the election and expected legal challenges from both sides. I think Trump wins and holds the Senate, but puts that at risk by forcing thru a nominee.
  4. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    Not lost on me at all my friend. Do you see the irony in Dems arguing that the Senate should now fail its current constitutional duties? Perhaps it is lost on you? I will stand by original statement of hypocrisy exposed on both sides of the aisle. The proof of which is two political...
  5. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    Do we need to review past Democrat positions?
  6. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    So you are saying the dems were full of shit 4 years ago when they desperately wanted a Senate advise and consent on Garland? Or are you saying they are full of shit now for not wanting a Senate advise and consent? Do you really not see the inconsistency of your own party? Too funny. Control...
  7. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    Calm down bruh, I never said anything about the constitution. Comparing any of this to the murder of 6 million Jews makes you sound completely unhinged. I take it you do not see the humor in both parties doing a 180 on this issue in the span of 4 years. No worries, have a great day.
  8. Bugeye

    RIP the Notorious RBG

    The hypocrisy from the right is delightfully comparable to the hypocrisy from the left as we see both parties instantaneously switch positions on this topic from just 4 years ago. If you only see the hypocrisy on one side, you just might be partisan. LOL The only clear truth is this. If you...
  9. Bugeye


    Like her positions or not, she was a great person. Prayers to her family and all that are grieving. Sad day. :cry:
  10. Bugeye

    When to flush in regard to trichome colour and harvest time

    Check your premise that a fade is right. Says who? Why? No fade beats fade in my experience IF you understand the basics of slow dry and cure.
  11. Bugeye

    Trump's 'one last score'.

    Trump will have many more scores as it is clear he is going to win in a landslide.
  12. Bugeye

    What if?

    What those violent cities run by democrats the politics were different?
  13. Bugeye

    What if?

    What if Trump wins and everyone supporting Biden burns down their own homes in protest? I think that would make a powerful statement.
  14. Bugeye

    What if?

    Then buck will lose our wager and have to leave RIU or be forever taunted for reneging on two election wagers.
  15. Bugeye

    Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
  16. Bugeye

    Manafort trial predictions

    good one.
  17. Bugeye

    Should i trim her?

    I modified my response above slightly, but pruning leaves for light to get thru is not needed. Those fan leaves are storage banks for mobile nutrients that can be relocated to the buds when the plant needs them. They also serve to tell the grower which nutrients the plant needs more of or has...
  18. Bugeye

    Should i trim her?

    They don't block all of the light, some of the light spectrum used for photosynthesis passes through the leaves no problem.
  19. Bugeye

    Manafort trial predictions

    Not a concern of mine.
  20. Bugeye

    Manafort trial predictions

    Yes, I'll get right on that.