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  1. ElfoodStampo

    remember this guy??

    I had problems with his cousin Rick.
  2. ElfoodStampo

    LED question?

    I'll plug lighthouse hydro all day. they have great products and you can find good deals on ebay. If you want a used 500 watt P.M. me and we can talk.
  3. ElfoodStampo

    Not a good week for Private spaceflight

    All right I admit it, I got pissed and shot it down.
  4. ElfoodStampo

    Quality of Cannabis

    This is a very subjective question. If it gets you fucked up then i would say it's pretty good. If it tastes like shit, then there's probably something better. I'm not sure there is a best strain. If your looking at quality control, I would look for mold, seeds, and leaves with no tric's. those...
  5. ElfoodStampo

    Yes or no ? Freedom or slavery ?

    i just broke the button..
  6. ElfoodStampo

    The Corperation.

    oh man 24 min in.. its good!
  7. ElfoodStampo

    The Corperation.

  8. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    250 miles down and its getting better and better. At first it felt like the pucks on the clutch disk were uneven but now its smoothing out. I think the guy who did the job didn't tighten the exhaust back to the hanger. It clatters. I guess ill jack it up and look.
  9. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    She's back, and she grabs like a mother fucker. I'm anxiously awaiting my 500 mile break in.
  10. ElfoodStampo

    Man Attacks NYC Police With Hatchet; Authorities Probe Possible Terror Ties

    according to dudes Face book Posts, get ready for civil war
  11. ElfoodStampo

    Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

    I trim wet and cut the buds to appropriate size, then I throw it all in a wooden wardrobe where it sits for for anywhere between 6 and 14 days. By then everything is perfect then I throw what I can"t smoke in a month in the fridge, in a ziplock.
  12. ElfoodStampo

    Do you believe in God?

    Then I would say no I don't believe in god.(per say) My idea of "god is a little more ambiguous.
  13. ElfoodStampo

    Do you believe in God?

    Define god, like what is your interpretation of god, then I can answer.
  14. ElfoodStampo


    Yea you missed a bunch, you wanna get all the leaves off so the buds grow even bigger!
  15. ElfoodStampo

    what was the shape of your last shit?

    I just droped off a aircraft carrier, two battle ships and a dingy. All painted poop brown.
  16. ElfoodStampo

    Having a little issue

    yes, bring it down R/o is about 5.7 ish should be lower than 7 though. using water with pH of 7 is like hitting FF in the process
  17. ElfoodStampo

    ebola panic - wtf?

    I wouldn't doubt it.
  18. ElfoodStampo

    Why do people always take kindness for weakness?!

    Yea bummer this shit happened. All I can add is don't let it change you as a person. You can only apply the experience to future relationships. I know how you feel though. Keep truckin bud.
  19. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    where at the rear end is it leaking out? is it from the bell housing in the center or out by the tires? Either way it sounds like a gasket is going bad. I know im no expert with cars but the only connection between the clutch/transmission and the rear axle is the drive shaft, but no fluid runs...
  20. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    No, this subie is the first car I've had that's a manual since I was in college, with the ole 86 ford tempo. So my clutch knowledge is pretty dismal.