I'm usually not much of a gamer but I've been fooling around with Kerbal Space Program lately.
Also have been thinking of giving Cities: Skylines a try.
Oh no, that is not me, he is just someone I happen to have seen around youtube here and there. I am not so much interested in medieval swords, but I do have a small collection of decent knives, and I am Canadian, so his videos originally caught my eye.
I don't transport and sell, so I couldn't...
A method I like that is very simple and low cost is making chocolate with an oil-based Tincture. I like to use coconut oil because it's fairly solid at room temperature, but any vegetable oil will work, you'll just need to keep the chocolate refrigerated. I Heat the Oz. of trim & bud in a pot or...
Good stuff! Which types of paint are you using for this? From what I understand there are special types of paint/markers used for Graffiti but I'm sure any old paint can work. What are your thoughts on this?
Chlorophyll For Enriching Organic Compost & Soil With Nitrogen + Magnesium
The above image is a molecule of Chlorophyll a, which will be the focus of this argument due to its universal occurrence in higher plants as well as single-celled algae. As you can easily see from its structure, as...
Greetings, RIU Community!
Horticultural and Agricultural books are one of my favorite things to read, so I thought; why not make a thread with some of my suggestings for the best, and where you can leave yours?
We already have a books thread, but this one is specifically for non-fiction on the...
“We are all party to secondhand information and hearsay evidence”
Speak for yourself, you pillock. Some of us here actually have a real education, and have been through college and/or university where many of us have conducted real studies, and real experiments. Not to mention, have gone on to...
Do you dopeheads even know what you are "extracting" from questionable patches? There is more than one analog of Fentanyl and they all have different potencies. There is no such thing as "responsibility" with these compounds unless you have an extensive background in chemistry, pharmacology &...
Other information provided here is somewhat inaccurate.
Your LED may seem brighter than the shade but you would be surprised. Even in a shaded area, during the day, diffused light from a blue-sky gives you approximately 20,000 lumens per square meter.
Most "300 w" LEDs are actually 300w...
Yes, very full of it. I guess the USPTO themselves is also "full of shit"? Below is an excerpt directly from the USPTO government website.
"Note in this regard that the USPTO only registers marks. You, as the mark owner, are solely responsible for enforcement."...
But yes, I agree, I would very much like to see HTTPS encryption. It's not just about personal data, its just best common practice to use HTTPS. Once your password is exposed on one-site, if it is re-used on another site security is exponentially reduced.
Just so you know, HTTPS everywhere does not make non-HTTPS connections HTTPS encrypted, it simply enforces HTTPS on web servers that have it enabled. Many web servers have both an HTTP and HTTPS version for back compatibility reasons so sometimes you can accidentally end up on an open...
Correction, Mycotoxins are produced by growing molds/fungi, not when the organism is killed. It is correct that irradiation will not destroy Mycotoxins, but it will prevent them from continuing to be produced while the product is being stored.
That being said, Mycotoxins aren't exactly a huge...
Growing some of these species can be particularly difficult, which is precisely why they sell for such high prices. Some of the medicinal varieties, such as Chaga are borderline impossible to grow.
That being said Oyster and Shiitake are two of the easier ones to grow, so they are a good...