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  1. bobj1598

    poached eggs

    you can also use a tarp folded over the dirt, in the sun for a day or two. I don't have access to any of those things lol
  2. bobj1598

    poached eggs

    it' a seed starting mix, little black beetles have emerged from the soil, I didn't keep track, but currently three plants aren't growing at the same pace as my other plant. regardless, I'd like to prevent any more of these things from hatching.
  3. bobj1598

    poached eggs

    not my idea. I need to rid my soil of pests and I kind of get grossed out thinking about cooking bug eggs in the same oven I use to cook pot roasts in.
  4. bobj1598

    poached eggs

    if you have insects that hatch from your soil, some people say to fix that to pour hot water all over the soil prior to potting with it. they say it will kill the bugs, but will it just cook them instead? little hardboiled bug eggs everywhere in the soil, does it become nutritional content for...
  5. bobj1598

    Growing abroad to sell ?

    Fuck are you ever annoying. Onto the ignore list you go, I won't miss your stupidity. Edit: watch the retard make or log into an alt account to follow my content.
  6. bobj1598

    Growing abroad to sell ?

    You do know 'most' information on Wikipedia is cited using footnotes that direct you to primary or secondary sources elsewhere on the web? You can simply Google the name Robert Schellenberg to dispel your ignorance. I only put that link there as a courtesy for your convenience. Or does the fact...
  7. bobj1598

    Growing abroad to sell ?

    I don't watch enough South Park.
  8. bobj1598

    Taproot transplant?

    This is what I anticipated happening, but alas, somehow I got myself a championship pig lol You should've just kept that a secret. Do you purposely crash your vehicle and take pictures of the aftermath to show to the world?
  9. bobj1598

    Taproot transplant?

    Has anyone ever done this? Long story short, I 'misplanted' my seed and ended up having to dig it up and put it towards the middle of the pot. I anticipated issues with this plant later on and in fact it's been the opposite: this plant is growing something incredible. The other plants, not so...
  10. bobj1598

    Growing abroad to sell ?

    Whatever you do, don't try and traffic your shit to China, they'll hang you.
  11. bobj1598

    About a pound?

    As a new grower, how am I supposed to know what 'healthy plant' practices are and look like? My plants are NOT growing at the pace often advertise on most pot websites. I got them sprouted on May 23rd and if I was to take a gander at how long it'll take to harvest, I might be lucky if it happens...
  12. bobj1598

    About a pound?

    Is that per plant?
  13. bobj1598


    Because you're not important enough for me to go out of my way to do such a thing. But thank you for sharing your horticultural wonders to everyone in this thread. Now the OP can look on at your monstrosities and not feel so bad about whatever issue(s) are affecting their plants.
  14. bobj1598


    OP. Do your due diligence in obtaining information off of this site. Just know if you take this retard's advice your plants might end up looking like his.
  15. bobj1598


    I'm not saying anything, they asked for a solution, I provided a link which expanded on said issues of nutritional lockouts.
  16. bobj1598

  17. bobj1598


    How often do YOU use Cal Mag? Jk. Imo, looks like a P deficiency
  18. bobj1598

    First time trying my hand at LST

    Not to be rude, but have you ever heard of plant ties? I have seen several growers opt to use pipe cleaners, excuse my ignorance, but wouldn't putting fuzzy fabric contraptions into a moist/wet environment risk mold forming on them and then cross contaminating your plant with mold spores? I'm...
  19. bobj1598

    About a pound?

    what did you do differently for the latter grows? congrats btw
  20. bobj1598

    About a pound?

    When you grow a plant, is there an 'average' of how much a grower should be looking to harvest? What is the difference between a failed effort and a successful harvest? How do I know I've done a good job cultivating marijuana if I've never seen what a good crop looks like? This feels like...