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  1. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    These glass beads are not perfectly smooth, plus I add enough to cover the bottom of the flask. So, when you talk about the dewax step. Are you talking about winterizing?
  2. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Its here! My precious! Finally I can finish this little project. I will try to get it done over this weekend. I have a friend with access to a gas chromatography mass spectrometer. I will be sending them a sample once I finish distilling the extract. Mainly I want to check cannabinoid...
  3. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    yeah, that is why I use glass beads. They are light enough that if they get thrown around they won't break anything. I wish I could afford such fancy equipment like a capillary tube. Or a heating mantle. I need to get a roto-vap eventually. That and a fraction collector.
  4. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Good news. The postal service decided to get off their asses. My short path will be here today.
  5. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Bumping is when a liquid is heated past its boiling point and then suddenly boils all at once. It can cause the container to "bump" in the process and will likely splash some of the contents into your receiving flask, contaminating your distillate.
  6. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Your best bet is to use broken glass pieces, or you can even buy boiling stones from most laboratory supply websites.
  7. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    I will use 4mm glass beads. Though I may not need to since I will have a stir bar in there as well.
  8. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    An interesting idea. The problem is that I will need to be able to pull a vacuum in order to perform the distillation. The boiling points of THC and other cannabinoids is >315°F at atmospheric pressure, which will severely degrade the wanted product. Here is an image of a shortpath distillation...
  9. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    I am still waiting on my shortpath distillation head..... USPS tracking says it's scheduled to be delivered on the 18th still. Stupid out dated mail system anyway. Hopefully it will show up soon so that I can begin the next phase.
  10. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Yea that is the idea. The boiling point will remain constant until almost all of that compound comes over, once the bp starts to rise, that is your cue to switch out receiving flasks. It will be worth it if like last grow where I got 3.2 oz of trim to convert that into extract. If I can really...
  11. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    The advantage is for when you have high boiling points that you are trying to distill. The short path doesn't give the product time to solidify before reaching the receiving flask. For example. The waxes and resins in cannabis are solid well above room temperature and in a normal distillation...
  12. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    I transfered the contents to a small round bottom flask in preparation for the distillation step. Looks like my shortpath distillation head will be here saturday. Then the next step can begin.
  13. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    I appreciate your concerns. I tend to keep a low profile. You have to living here and growing weed. The number one rule to live by when growing in a non legal state is: Don't be an asshole. Be a good neighbor.
  14. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Salt lake city utah
  15. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    It is just what I hear from my friends and acquaintances. Many have told me they would have no problem paying 50 a pop for good stuff.
  16. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    From what I understand. A gram of good extract will net you about 50 USD. So assuming you are able to get 50 USD / gram, and you can get 5 grams from an ounce. Then you can net 250. not bad if you grow your self. If you buy your weed to extract and then resell, you can make a decent profit...
  17. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Stay tuned guys. I am not done with this adventure yet. I still intend on finishing the purification of the crude product. If I get even 1 gram of high quality "Dabs" then it was worth it considering I couldn't sell the poor quality weed I used for this.
  18. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    Thanks for your support Natureboygrower. My whole reason for wanting to get into extractions is because I have a hard time getting my edibles to be consistent in strength. Some times the edibles are very weak and takes at least 2-3 servings to get you good and buzzed. Other times I can get a...
  19. atrumblood

    Chloroform Extraction- First Attempt

    I may explore chloroform more in the future when I have some bud I can spare. I'll admit that the bud I used was not the best quality. (~160 seeds in those 26 grams). However my goal was to test whether chloroform would be a good solvent for this process. Next time I will try chilling the...