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  1. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    game changers are 3000k.
  2. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    I understand it makes a difference, but its a tiny difference. its just not what we are about right now. Guys who run hps and want to switch to led aren't very concerned with "extra red". I always appreciate your input bro.
  3. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    gavita de at 1000 watt setting is 1.52 umol per joule. Brand new bulb puts off about 1850 umol with out a reflector, about a 13% loss with the reflector, ends up being around 1614 umol with reflector. its not all that impressive when you put it in a sphere.
  4. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    unfortunately I don't buy into the hype of "adding reds" or any of the gimmicks involved with "enhanced spectrum". It adds a fair amount of cost, but we are not interested in it right now. My goal is to provide a kick ass lamp for the most affordable price, which grows fat ass buds with tons...
  5. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    I recommend 250-350 ppf for vegging plants in the first couple of weeks, then if you are vegging longer you can go up as high as about 450 ppf with out getting red stem. this is what works best for me, and to be honest, took me awhile to figure out because I like to pound the light to my...
  6. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    Ive seen the higher numbers of the spydr and the gavita. As far as I can tell they are using a more blue spectrum, which is going to hurt overall weight and denseness.
  7. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Best LED for overall yield

    Hey @pokerpro451 heres a graphic explaining the different costs of some of the main led units out there. including the spydr. Id recommend a BCBlondes 680 watt unit for every 4x4 or 5x5 you plan to cover. Im an EX avid hps guy as well. Ive been building leds now for 5 years, and there is no...
  8. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    My budget 5X5 setup

    Looks good man
  9. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    5 x 5 light set up

    Great point about c02, this is probably why I hardly ever see it, and it seems to be a fairly frequent problem on the forum. FWIW i'm in coco too.
  10. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    5 x 5 light set up

    also, whats the run off? I always ask this when there is a problem.... can you feed your plants so they are soaked and piss out the bottom, and then dry in 2-3 days? if not, you are using too big of a pot... I can soak mine every time I feed, every 2 days, and collect run off every time I feed...
  11. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    5 x 5 light set up

    I RARELY get bleeching. and I put my leds close and run a shit load of ppf… I see it mentioned so many times in here, IMO you get bleaching when you are giving it WAY too much light, but also under feeding...
  12. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    5 x 5 light set up

    What kind of ppms are you using in your feed? THese seem very underfed. if you are burning them, then you are just increasing the ppm too quickly. you should be steadily increasing fert ppm from about week 2. I start with 1150 in veg, and first week of flower, then go up as high as 1600'ish for...
  13. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    The BCB 340 Game changer, its made for a 4x2 or a 5x2.5. If you want to run it on a 4x2 you can use either the 75% (255 watts/645umol) setting or the 100% (340 watts/818 umol) setting.
  14. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    I love your setup bro, you are maximizing your space, your plant count, everything, very awesome!
  15. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    Going to try LED lighting again... Recommendations?

    Because this is a brand new account I cant post links, the url is in my avatar though Thanks
  16. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Can you add the BC Blondes lights to your list? thanks
  17. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    Didn't test 2 of the 340 boards at once, didn't see any point. Thanks, some of the other guys are running their stuff at near max heat (around 60C), and im just not comfortable doing that, specially knowing a lot of guys are running HOT tents, well above 25C which is the testing condition. You...
  18. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    DIY is awesome, that's how I started. We are offering the DIY parts on our website, although right now we only have the printed circuit boards for sale, soon ill have the power supply and heatsink in a kit, on the site for the DIY guys, and the prices will be awesome ! thanks for chiming in
  19. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    Check me out on Instagram, @bcblondesgrowlights there is lots of pics and videos from my test lab showing what my fixtures can do.
  20. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    380-780 is what hlg is using. So I think that's good enough justification. "The big fixture" is just 2 of the small fixtures, its a modular system. The fans are on their own switch, if you don't have an auxillary fan in your tent, then use the fans on the board. This keeps the heatsink at...