Search results

  1. D

    All in one rez monitor?

    Resevoir ph, temp+ ppm monitor that won't break the bank? Not looking for the cheapest. I don't need a Cadillac, but I don't want a Kia either.
  2. D

    Water chiller??

    Damn, just missed it, oh well thanks anyways
  3. D

    Water chiller??

    Normally it is ok to transport a refrigeration unit in any orientation. The problem arises when it arrives at its final destination. The refrigeration unit is designed to operate only in the upright position. This has to do with the way refrigerant and lubrication oils settle inside the unit...
  4. D

    Water chiller??

    Agree. Here i Canada you can't get a 1/10hp chiller for under $500. I would stay away from anything used myself, no warranty and who knows why they are selling.
  5. D

    Water chiller??

    Link says $428, where'dya get 290 from?
  6. D

    Who's running 4x 315 cmh in 6x6 tent?

    Right now I have 3x 315cmh (vertical hoods) in 4x8 tent (set back, not using front 1 ft) so actually 3x8. I'm thinking 4 in 6x6 tent might be better? Less watts per sq ft, but wall to wall and footprint overlap may be better?
  7. D

    Clone problems

    What is causing my clones to do this? Been using peat pucks for over 20 years with almost 100% success. Lately they start to look like this and don't even start to root. Leaves eventually blacken and clone dies. Have some in bubble cloner doing the same. All I can think of is I recently moved...