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  1. P

    I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

    I actually am using them. I was doing voice to text and reading from my chart so it came out kinda wonky, but I have been measuring with syringes. Took me one try with measuring spoons and those big bottles to learn not to do that again! And maybe I need to find a new feed chart. The one I...
  2. P

    I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

    Okay, that's good to know. I was going to change out the reservoir tonight anyhow since it's been a week. I'll go with the full dosage then. I'm looking at the trio right now. The micro has 5% calcium and the grow has .5% magnesium and Bloom has 1.5% magnesium. I wondered about Epsom... when...
  3. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    It looks pretty pale to me and I always think that pale means it's underfed but my EC is at 1000, which seems kind of high for a seedling in my thinking. I'm still learning so maybe that's wrong!
  4. P

    I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

    EC for the seedling is up to 1000. Think I should add some RO to dilute? Or flush?
  5. P

    I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

    Cal/mag is from botanicare. It delivers 2% nitrogen, 3.2% calcium, 1.2% magnesium and one tenth of a percent of iron. I originally went with 4 ml per gallon. However when I topped it off a few days ago with another gallon of water, I used 5 ml. I of course, add it first and per your...
  6. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Yes, 80 degrees and 50-55% average RH. And yes, the one night that it dropped! Roots look great.. just starting to get hairs off of the main tap. Nice and white (well, stained a bit from nutes) but no brown/slime. I use a wee bit of southern ag hydro guard as a preventative.
  7. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Hmm, the humidity is usually around 50%. It did drop over night to 20% last week when the humidifier spazzed out on me. But it's back and running.
  8. P

    I really need some hydro help... feeling super discouraged and confused!

    Ok, so it's been a week since I increased the nutrients and I am definitely seeing improvement and the tip burn has stopped. I still feel like i'm seeing some yellow in the veins in the new growth. I tried to get some up close pictures of the new growth to show. Oddly, I'm seeing similar...
  9. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Well, while this seedling is perking up a bit and her root is really taking off into the water, there's still some kind of deficiency or lockout in the newer growth. Any guesses?
  10. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Hi JD! Thanks for the link. Funny you should mention it, my dentist wants me to have a sleep study because I clench my jaw so hard at night that I'm damaging my teeth! Apparently that's a symptom? My regular doctor doesn't think it's worth the time for me because I don't have any other...
  11. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    I'm sure we're all much more fragile than we acknowledge. My nickname has always been "sensitive" so I can relate. It's not too far fetched... another reason why I'm on this forum and haven't slept without meds in ages. Hopefully a successful grow will change that. And yes, we watched a few...
  12. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    This is our first year. Should be interesting... not sure if they'll be quick but I tried to make them fun looking for them anyhow. And that's awesome. Definitely something to be proud of! And no worries.. I don't mind a bit.
  13. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    And I can understand. I grow a huge garden every year and have about an acre orchard I put in a few years ago. I spend hours playing around in it every summer.
  14. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    She sounds like a gem! Thanks for your service, fragile! My dad's a vet, too. You guys are heroes.
  15. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Yep. Hahaha! You never know with kids!
  16. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    I'll have to grab a current reading after my kids are in bed. Right now, it's staying steady but the water is going down. I added another gallon yesterday and added a bit of ph up today to move it closer to 6.5 (it'll drop over the next few days) so I don't have a baseline from the changes...
  17. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Ahh! I bet it's hard to be away! I'm kept away by my little munchkins who keep me busy. I homeschool the stinkers, so they're always on my heals. Right now I'm painting pine wood derby race cars, haha! The fun never ends!
  18. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Really? I didn't even notice. It's a northern lights auto from seedsman.
  19. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    I'm trying! I spend a lot of time reading other threads on here, watching YouTube videos and reading tutorials. Hopefully something will sink in. I've grown lettuce and herbs hydroponically for a while and figured since I have a good handle on that, this would be easier! But yeah, I'm excited...
  20. P

    Just me, managing to abuse another plant.. any advice before I kill another?

    Thank you! Hoping I can actually finish a grow without killing it! Haha! Sounds good. I was afraid to defoliate too heavily considering the extent of the damage and it being an auto flower but it's not like those leaves are doing any good anyhow! I'm actually getting 30-some seeds tomorrow...