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    Day 56 of flowering, not sure if its ready. Please help

    Hello all. This is my first indoor grow and ive had a blast with it so far. Now its day 56 and im not sure about harvesting. I grew bagseed as a first run and it has turned out well. Problem is i dont know the i dont know how long a usual flowering time is for these plants. As you can...
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    Lighting. Is it better to add another light of same or to discard original and get a stronger light?

    In response to Richard Drysift above, my $48 led is only for seedlings and some veg. But those pics i have up there, those plants were grown with a 1200w exlevence(235 w draw) it was still only $99. But if i added another of the same in my 2×4 tent would it only help the footprint and not...
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    Lighting. Is it better to add another light of same or to discard original and get a stronger light?

    I dont believe its a Chinese knock off its an Exlevence.1200w. Its not some high dollar led though. It made a a top ten list for the price with a couple growers. So i figured i would try it. I do have a 600w knock off and all it is good for is seedlings. But for $48 its ok. This is what i got in...
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    Is this plant healthy

    Looks just like mine did but i was told it should be in a smaller pot to start. Like a solo cup. Im not a pro here so dont take my word on that. But you might check into it.
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    First grow! Look iaght?

    Ive been kinda hesitant about running autoflowers, but by the looks of what you got it could be a good idea to have a couple growing in the background. They look a lot better than i imagine in my head. Looks great.
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    Lighting. Is it better to add another light of same or to discard original and get a stronger light?

    This is my first indoor grow. I went with a 1200w led(235w draw) in a 2×4 tent with only 6 plants. So they dont fill up the tent. The led. has worked great. Harvest is soon and i feel the next plants would benefit from a bit more light. The flowers could be a touch more "Full". If i fill up the...
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    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    So if i put them in soil after a while in water, would i have to water them constantly
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    Flipped the lights on march 14th. I feel like they are not up to size.

    I meant to add the pics up there but i messed it up. But these are the girls.
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    Flipped the lights on march 14th. I feel like they are not up to size.

    I flipped the lights, then in about a week i could see white hairs all over. But i feel like they just havent progressed to a size thwy normaly should have by now. So they been flowering for about 21 days. Anyone have any comments or comparison pics for me to see what 21 days should look like
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    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    I did what i got from greenhouses, they just cut, use rooting hormone put in water with a heating pad. It works every time for them. Thats my setup. The only thing ive not tried is cutting at the node. Think that makes much difference?
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    Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

    I have tried 3 different times to root clones. They just wont take root. The last ones i kept for over a month and not so much as a single root. I dont have an elaborate setup. But ive read about everyone just cutting using rooting hormones, then put on a heating pad in water, then wait. But no...
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    Should I throw in the towel on this one?

    If it gets too boring set it aside in the tent and start another to keep ya busy. Give it a chance, it may explode with growth you never know.
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    $2000 Budget - (Stimulus Check) - 1st Time Grower

    its way more common than you think. And no they dont care about your shop lights. Just grow lights. Check out the news on youtube or anywhere else.
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    SOG pot size

    Hmmm i have a 2×4 grow and i fit 12 2gal pot nice and tight. Seem like you should definitely get 10, 3gal in there
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    My first grow, all bagseed!

    Sorry i dont. It is making it very exciting being the first grow and then not even knowing what it is.
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    What's the best way to germinate old seeds 1990-2014

    I lived on a farm for 20 so years and we always put seeds in the ground and watered. I figured weed was no different. I kept them in a prescription bottle all this time. And just put them in dirt and watered.
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    $2000 Budget - (Stimulus Check) - 1st Time Grower

    And sorry to tell ya but there isnt a lick of heat coming off my leds. My infrared thermometer only reads 78deg right on the panel