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  1. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Soil mixed with water Then filtered out.
  2. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Is it true that a normal tds/ec meter cant test organic fertilizers accurately ?
  3. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Got a cheap one for now.
  4. J

    Buds ready yet?

    I'm waiting and I'm glad I am. Every day I can see it getting bigger
  5. J

    Rusty spots on leaves

    I checked my ph. the fist time and it was 7 I did it a second time and it was 6 but that one was with distilled water . I'm not sure which one is right. I also tested my tap water with a soil test kit and it was 7.
  6. J

    Rusty spots on leaves

    Hello every one I have this problem with one of my plants. There is these rusty looking spots on some of the fan leaves .It literally looks like someone smeared rust on it. I tried rubbing the rust off to see if it is rust fungus. But it didn't come off. I red that it will smear off on you...
  7. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Ill buy a cheap one for now . But next grow ill get the truncheon
  8. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    I don't have an EC meter but I'm planning on getting one. Just don't know what one to get. Do you have any recommendation on EC meters ? I think EC meters measure parts per million but what does it measure exactly. I'm new at this.
  9. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    It cant hurt to try to correct it, i guess. Ill try it
  10. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

  11. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Thank all of you for your reply's
  12. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    It is 47 days into flowering . About 65% of the hairs are orange, If you look at the whole plant. I'm really only feeding it one tbsp. of Fox farm big bloom fertilizer at this time . I cut out a lot of the nutrients because I was over feeding it and I was hoping that the leaves would un-claw and...
  13. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Thank both of you
  14. J

    Buds ready yet?

  15. J

    Buds ready yet?

    Beautiful! How much do you think its going to weigh after its all dried out? Id like to see it right before harvest?
  16. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Update ! Its spreading fast. I think I'm going to harvest this plant soon. Before it spreads to the sugar leaves. I don't know what else to do . What do you think?
  17. J

    Yellowing veins in leaf

    Hello, I was hoping someone would know the answer to this for me. On the very bottom leaves on my plant the veins on the leaves are turning yellow while the space in-between stay green. This is the only plant that has it. Im feeding it fox farms trio fertilizer ( but had to cut back do to...
  18. J

    Fox Farm Big Bloom Instructions?

    No problem
  19. J

    Fox Farm Big Bloom Instructions?

    I just called fox farm and that's almost exactly what they said. Thanks
  20. J

    Fox Farm Big Bloom Instructions?

    I'm having the same problem.. The feeding schedule says tsp and the bottle reads tbsp. don't know what to think . Ill call fox farm Monday .