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  1. ArtOfSelection

    Maiden Destroyer

    Ahhh,... they grow up so fast :weed:
  2. ArtOfSelection

    Maiden Destroyer

    just google '' Maiden Destroyer'' and do a little research and find out how to acquire these seeds much love A.O.S
  3. ArtOfSelection

    Maiden Destroyer

    i feel a weight of responsibility when it comes to these seeds, ''pre-raid' destroyers nearly 20 years old with viability fast diminishing, i want to 'open source' these genetics, spread them far and wide , for the good of the cannabis community and frankly, for the good of the cannabis gene...
  4. ArtOfSelection

    Maiden Destroyer

    disclaimer ** no maidens have been, or will be destroyed in the making of this thread ** :) these seeds are from the maiden release of destroyer, the seeds were made around 2005/2006
  5. ArtOfSelection

    Maiden Destroyer

  6. ArtOfSelection

    LED vs HID

    Growing in colder climates the heat given off by HPS is actually a positive ............i like to use HPS supplemented by a few 1000 watt LEDs which only pull 100w at the wall ...........1X 600 watt HPS and say 4 X little 1000w leds imo is much better than say 2x 600 watt HPS ...
  7. ArtOfSelection

    How long do you think is left on this ?

    30 to 40 days imo ..........looks about half way through its flowering cycle to me
  8. ArtOfSelection

    Unknown Strain Seed From Jamaica

    Technically speaking its not even a Columbian landrace as cannabis is not native to the Americas.............most logical origins of jam sativa is India due to the large Indian population on the island during colonial days ...........anyone thats smoked a good Indian Kerala landrace can...
  9. ArtOfSelection

    Unknown Strain Seed From Jamaica

    its certainly not a classic Jamaican sativa will be some kind of Dutch/american indica hybrid from the looks of it .......very wide leafs and low stretch ....... classic jam sativas are pretty rare these days as others have said .im sure their still a few jam farmers that hold the good...
  10. ArtOfSelection

    Should I defoliate more???

    less is more when it comes to defoliation imo .......looks like you've got the balance about right there.. Happy plants ..........if it ain't broke,... ect ect
  11. ArtOfSelection

    Help with sexing please

    1st male 2nd female 3rd male 4th male 5th male .............imo hermie
  12. ArtOfSelection

    Any good strains that don't get so heavily couch locked

    bangi haze from ace is a great high yielding sativa/mostly sativa,.. very energizing or if you don't mind waiting longer with less yield a good Neville haze is hard to beat ,..also 'mamma thai' from seedsman.. its a Thai with a bit of skunk added to bring now the flower time altho very cheap...
  13. ArtOfSelection

    Did My Plant Hermie ?

    it's a male ..even fems are only 99% female .grow out 100 seeds your very likely to get a male or 2 .....iv seen many in my time from fem seeds .... .could argue their not technally real males ...but for all intent and purposes they are
  14. ArtOfSelection

    Are these male?

    naaa just wacky growth'd know a male .... mainly by their big ball sacks
  15. ArtOfSelection

    Can you self-pollinate via rodelization?

    Obviously, if you wanted to make a cross . Then leaving a female to stress hermie (Rodelization ) would be fine,long as your timing was correct.. but pollination very late in flowering produces little to no seed from my experience, including self-pollination, if she hermie's early in the...
  16. ArtOfSelection

    Mites thrips

    Thrips are pretty benign and controllable....i wouldn't worry to much about those .............its spider mites that can become a real problem .....some good advice on this thread
  17. ArtOfSelection


    its not bad no,.. but it'll take as long as it takes, dont rush it, as long as the room is well ventilated ..thats the main thing,.. ventilation imo
  18. ArtOfSelection

    Your Opinion: what strain tastes the most like Weed?

    Afghani indica funk...... skunk.........fruity ...........historically for me those are the 3 terps i associate with weed ..... all are underpinned by that indica funk tho ..........wasn't any real sativa around when i was a lad ,.. which has its own distinctive scent
  19. ArtOfSelection

    No smell at all.

    Sativa expressions are usually less odorous .............especially pretty early into the flowering stage the same way resin builds late with sativa so does the scent.... .give her time ...she will show you her true colours .....imo
  20. ArtOfSelection

    12/12 from seed

    Genetics ...genetics....genetics only advise 12/12 from seed with autos or pure sativa/almost pure sativa .............your average hybrid is always much happier with a min of a couple of weeks veg time in my experience ........plant will also yield much better