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  1. jenniferSolution

    Purple leaves update

    I heard and seen low temperatures turn cannabis purple. But nothing like this. Looks great hope it burns well too
  2. jenniferSolution

    Cannabis in a Post-COVID World

    I came across this : Cannabis in a Post-COVID World by Nuglmagazine "In the past, sharing a joint was done without any thought behind it, but now, there are new factors to consider. If a smoker with a compromised or weak immune system is present when a joint, pipe, bong, or vape is going to be...
  3. jenniferSolution

    Yellowing fan leaves

    Thats nitrogen. It's not too bad right now but what are you feeding them? Cause most fertilizers would have enough nitrogen on top on potassium and phosphorus
  4. jenniferSolution

    What do you think about these lights?

    Looks expensive. What are other options?
  5. jenniferSolution

    Flowering plant problems

    Whats your pH? What have you been feeding them? This type of yellow leaves sounds to me like a pH imbalance.
  6. jenniferSolution

    Someone smarter than me explain the dimming function on LED lights.

    Because there's such thing as "too much light" and plants can get burned and seriously damaged by it
  7. jenniferSolution

    Finishing outdoor plants indoor

    You can definitely pull this out. I don't think there would be much shock overall. Try to get them used to the light little by little before going full indoor
  8. jenniferSolution

    RDWC (waterfall) inline pump size and DO questions

    What's the point? Don't get me wrong, it looks awesome but I don't think I get it