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  1. H

    What could this mean?

    I currently don't know my ph because I don't have a meter or anything to check it. I've been winging it this entire time lol. I definitely don't overwater due to the fact that the soil im using has a tendency to hold on to water for a long time so i let it dry out for awhile between waterings. I...
  2. H

    What could this mean?

    I would also like to add that the fan leaves, to me, have almost a bluish hue to them but that might just be my paranoia ALSO, when this all started, one of my fan leaves came out with a weird deformity. I'll put a picture of it below
  3. H

    What could this mean?

    So I have been noticing alot of slowed growth, slight yellowing of the new growth on all of the tops that I have and some twisting of the leaves on the new growth. I should also add that the new growth isn't near as "big" or healthy as it used to be when it was coming up. I don't know if this is...
  4. H

    Chance for recovery?

    Thanks everyone for the advice! Im gonna listen to what I was told and let it be let it be
  5. H

    what could it be??

    I saw this little guy hanging out on the main stem of one of my plants. When I went to kill it, I missed the first time and it didn't move or try to fly away. It just shifted over a little bit. Leafhopper maybe? I had one a couple weeks ago that ruined a couple of my leaves but it was green...
  6. H

    Chance for recovery?

    I'm trying to take your advice but godamn is it hard for me to just leave the plant alone. This is my first grow and I feel like a new parent. I wanna know what its doing every minute and I wanna see it and check ever square inch of its body to make sure it's in tip top shape. I go back to work...
  7. H

    Chance for recovery?

    How long does it usually take to heal and for growth to continue? I'm sure I have maybe a ph issue or something as well but it seems like all growth has ceased compared to the way it was growing last week
  8. H

    Chance for recovery?

    I noticed little drops of "juice" seep out when I slightly straightened the stem out so I think it's a little deeper than I thought it was
  9. H

    Chance for recovery?

    So what can I expect after it heals? Can I expect alot of vigorous new growth? Will a "knuckle" form there?
  10. H

    Chance for recovery?

    Ok so I've been doing LST for two of my plants for about a month now. They've been doing great, however, a couple days ago I noticed a fairly sharp crease in the main stem of one of my plants. It doesn't appear to be a full break, at least not on the exterior of the stem. I don't know if I...
  11. H

    LST: How Extreme Can You Bend It?

    Sorry to revive an old thread here but I just wanted to show a couple pictures of what I just noticed on one of my plants while doing lst. It's quite a sharp bend and my guess is I accidentally did some form of supercropping while tying it down (maybe, im just taking a wild guess)
  12. H

    Iron deficiency? Nute lockout?

    Also, isn't it entirely possible that this plant is suffering from more than one deficiency due to some lockout from me possibly screwing up the ph? Either way I flushed the soil yesterday so I guess in a week or 2 I'll see if it bounces back at all
  13. H

    Iron deficiency? Nute lockout?

    for the ones wondering what kind of soil, it's some cheap dollar store soil that isn't fertilized (at least I don't think, it doesn't say anything about added ferts) I used miracle grow soil before this and it gave my other plant serious nute burn so I said to hell with it and bought some plain...
  14. H

    Different strains?

    They actually took the transition well. And, I don't want to say it outright and risk jinxing myself, but no battles or fights ever had to occur
  15. H

    Iron deficiency? Nute lockout?

    Ok so I have 4 plants and one if them is doing horrible. After being transplanted to the new pot everything was going good, the only thing I've done differently was use bottled water instead of the usual tap water i was watering them with since planting the seeds. Im assuming I screwed up the ph...
  16. H

    Different strains?

    Ok so I have 4 plants. The two thinner ones were started outdoors then moved indoors after about a week. The soil they were grown in was some cheap Dollar store soil, no nutrients or anything. After they were moved indoors I transplanted them into bigger pots and used some miracle grow soil and...
  17. H

    nitrogen toxicity?

    Is there a way I could "rinse" out some of the fertilizer in the soil?
  18. H

    nitrogen toxicity?

    I'm new to growing so if something doesn't look "normal" to me I panic. Nice to hear from someone else that it looks ok. Do the young fan leaves normally roll down at the edges like that? I'm sure they'll spread out once they're bigger
  19. H

    nitrogen toxicity?

    What could be causing the rolling/cupping of the leaves and the bluing of the leaves? I have them in some shitty Miracle grow potting soil that I think is way too hot so I'm looking for some different soil but in the mean time I need some experts to give me some answers
  20. H

    Miracle Grow WARNING nitrogen toxicity

    I believe this is what nitrogen toxicity looks like. This was taken yesterday and although the plant is still growing pretty quick, the leaves have started to fold slightly and you can see very slight yellowing at the tips of the leaves and in the "veins" of the leaf