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  1. D

    Leave it or chop it

    I just got lucky and found this one seed in some stuff my biddy sent me and i figured what the hey I'll put it in some I think it could have yielded alot more and had bigger buds if I woulda planted it earlier and put it in a bigger pot. I think I planted it in middle to late May.
  2. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Lol I hear that bro...waste not want not right. I don't believe in wasting anything either.
  3. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Right...I've been letting the soil get dry before I water it again. If it's really sunny out and hot it usually dries out in a days time or even half a days time because between what she drinks and what evaporates the water gets used up pretty fast.
  4. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Yeah I have been taking off the yellow leaves once they get really yellow. Like if I tug on them gently and they come off I remove them. I was just worried I was gonna lose them all and wasn't sure if photosynthesis could still occur with all the fan leaves missing since they are the solar panels.
  5. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Yeah like I said I kinda have to keep watering it because I used to small of a pot and I didn't wanna transplant it this late into flowering so I didn't put any added stress on her. It's just one plant in one pot but the pot is probably only like a gallon. So it dries out pretty much everyday...
  6. D

    flower yellowing?

    Just a question...what week do you cut out all nitrogen? I have a plant that looks similar but it's a lil further along. I'm in day 40 of flowering so end of week 6 start of week 7 and for the last 2 weeks I've just been giving her beastie bloomz as a stand alone.
  7. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Yeah I've been doing the lift method to make sure I keep her in enough water since it's outside and hot sometimes. I figure im losing some water to evap and the rest she is drinking. I've been using beastie bloomz for the last two weeks and it said to feed them once a week with that so that's...
  8. D

    Leave it or chop it

    Thanks Jenko...i appreciate it. I have pics that I can post to show what it looks like. I took these on Monday and can take more when it gets light to show how it is progressing. I forgot to mention that it is outside and I really didn't use a big enough pot. This is actually my first grow all...
  9. D

    Leave it or chop it

    I am having a similar type problem. All of my fan leaves aren't yellow yet but they are on their way to being yellow. I am also in week 6 about to start week 7. I believe I am around 40 days of flowering to be exact. My question is should I use any nitrogen at all or should I just stick with the...