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  1. T


    How's everything going AJN? This industry has always been shady...that's why the best policy is honesty, that way it can never come back to bite you.
  2. T


    Its a matter of perspective....some people swim against the current. Like the old saying goes: If everybody jumped off of a bridge, would you do the same? But on the other side of that coin, I can definitely see your point as well.
  3. T


    Still going thru the collectible salad toppings for you and the birds.....give me some time and they'll be up shortly.
  4. T


    Hit me up on Strainly brobro
  5. T


    Honestly, I would never ask anyone to come here and defend me or "rep me up" its not how I roll....I'm just a normal guy really, trying to get some real deal solid NorCal genetics out there to collectors and people who want them. They probably just did what they did because they had a positive...
  6. T


    Ask and you shall receive...
  7. T

    STRAINLY a fool doggie. Sup V2 hope you didn't get an extra large bag with extra butter. You cool :peace:
  8. T


    Thank you for voicing your experience, it's what's needed and necessary to help clean up the community. I would of been on here sooner but it was just brought up to my attention and I apologize for the negative experience on Strainly, in the end it is people like you that will make Strainly a...
  9. T


    Not trying to debate with you nor limit your voice that's a ridiculous assessment, just here to give my side of the story, nothing more nothing less and as you stated a full refund was given.
  10. T


    Never accepted Venmo as a form of payment EVER, I don't have an account with them and yes I've given refunds in the past as well as replacements because it is the right thing to do when you are in the I said "not a clue" who you are and unless you have proof of our conversation or...
  11. T


    No clue who you are but my feedback and reviews speak for themselves.