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  1. HydroDC

    Any LED builders in the DC area

    One way to connect multiple fans to a single power supply is to use a multi-fan power port like THIS or THIS. Since fans come with 3 or 4 pin connectors, the power port makes it easy if you're connecting many fans. If you do that, you'll need to splice a 4 pin molex connector to the power...
  2. HydroDC

    I Want to Build My First LED Fixture

    Clearly, I don't. Apologies.
  3. HydroDC

    I Want to Build My First LED Fixture

    Room outlets in the US are 120v, so the receptacle shown above in Robinson's post has one Hot leg and one Neutral leg in addition to Ground. In France, room outlets have 220V so both legs are Hot, there is no Neutral. Did you get any information from GrafTech about thermal pads?
  4. HydroDC

    DIY led grow

    Perhaps when you call you can ask them. It will be interesting to hear what they recommend. When I built my light I was a bit anxious about the proper way of using thermal grease and in fact asked here for advice on that. An adhesive thermal pad that approaches the heat transfer quality of...
  5. HydroDC

    DIY led grow

    I did try it before i posted the link. Here, I copied the contact info for you: Notre Dame, France - Advanced Graphite Materials Machine Shop and Sales Office GrafTech France S.N.C. Usine de Notre-Dame-de-Briançon LA LECHERE F-73264 Aigueblanche Cedex FRANCE Tel:
  6. HydroDC

    DIY led grow

    Here's a LINK for their EU branch. Perhaps you can ask them what they recommend.
  7. HydroDC

    CXB 3590 36v or 72v?

    Re-read what Supra said about why to use 2 or 4 bars: "...would give you enough of surface area and the ability to cover the canopy as evenly as possible..." Using 1 bar won't give you even coverage. No point to build a nice light only to not have good coverage.
  8. HydroDC

    Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

    So, COB mounted on bottom aluminum plate and heatsinks mounted on top of plate above where COB is? Others will know more about this than I, but I think this will adversely affect the cooling. Heatsink surface will probably not be perfectly flat with reluctant air gap(s) when mounted to plate...
  9. HydroDC

    Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

    All of the CPU coolers will work from a heat dissipation perspective. Making sure it fits the holder is the more important issue and, as you have found out, these will accommodate the Ideal holders for the CXB3590s. Supra and others have pointed out many times that they're running the fans at...
  10. HydroDC

    Thermal Grease Application Method

    Testy, I thought from other posts you were going to use the Ideal holders. If so, I think you want pads like Sal's recommending, not tape i.e. no adhesive. Arctic sells pad material as well through Amazon. (LINK) As to which is a better way to go, I've no fact-based info. My guess is that...
  11. HydroDC

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    COB (LINK). Driver (LINK)
  12. HydroDC

    Failsafe for Fan Cooling

    Sounds like what any sane person suffering from OCD would - for instance, what I might do. Loose cable tie stops fan leading to creation of back-up PSU with auto-transfer switch. But what about the next fallen cable tie? Where's Salmo's thermal switch wired to the fan?
  13. HydroDC

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    1. Seen lot's of people using WAGOs to connect wiring for both the AC line voltage to the driver and to change over from the stranded wire output from the driver to the 18 gauge wire you'll use to wire to the COB holders. 2. You can and should lay-out the holders machine screw holes, drill the...
  14. HydroDC

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I think this is easiest and maybe best way as well. robincnn, your bringing up failure points makes sense. If you have 1st switch for the fans' 12V power supply also provide power to the 2nd and 3rd switches for the 2 COBs, you can easily introduce one or two protections against failure...
  15. HydroDC

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Yes, using a pair of relays. Here's a wiring diagram for a 120V set-up where the relays feed a 12V power supply ("F" in this diagram) which, in turn, is wired to the fans. This diagram shows single pole switches, not double pole (or bipolar as you say).
  16. HydroDC

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Does anyone else worry that some questions about doing a DIY build suggest a need for a better basic understanding of electrical principals and wiring practices than that which can be achieved by answering this or that discreet question? Do you worry that well-intentioned but ill-informed...
  17. HydroDC

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Perhaps someone said that, but not me.
  18. HydroDC

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    The Arctic Alpine 64 Plus base easily fits a CXB3590 in an Ideal holder. (LINK)