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  1. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    ive been out many times on charter boats and ive sat dangerously where an aluminum boat isnt usually smart. ive never been sea sick to this day. when i was young i took dramamine? then when i start smoking and fishing i never had a problem except with others fisherman being old and cranky. My...
  2. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Do you guys still get sea sick when you guys smoke bud on the boat? The only time i throw up fishing is when i dont drink water; and kill the whole handle of jack with my thermos of cinnamon mocha coffe with .. ooooo maybe say 6 grams of home made 90+% live extracts bleneded into my whole milk...
  3. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Im definetly a member of the uncle buck fan club... BUT; I am guilty of loving a white supremacist too buck:spew: Unfortunately my grandpa came to america durring a time when it was a shame to not be white. He was picked on and beaten up many times because he was from hawaii and of japanese...
  4. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Crappie arent trophy fish; but they sure are fun with light tackle. I havent been crappie fishing in a couple years now. My father in law and i would kill it in the ca delta durring summer time, we would catch dozens of fat hand sized ones.
  5. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Hiya buck:bigjoint: You like fishing?
  6. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Thatd be cool. I could find more sturgeon if i went out in the boat more often. I need to get a truck; i have a 14ft'er. If your ever in the area pm me i may beable to borrow a truck from someone.
  7. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Yep exactly. I fished freeport this morning. Ive been fishing that area since i was a kid. I may do the guide boat thing one day. Sturgeon (and stripers) fishing hasnt been the same in the area since the recession. When the dfg budget got cut they stopped looking for poachers as much and then...
  8. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Thats old school.
  9. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    They typically are more active before and during a storm/rain when pressure is rising in my experience. My best days are always in light to medium rain given the river isnt full of debris.
  10. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    I havent been to the american this year but i know theyre there right now. Im a fish in the rain kinda guy and the american is great when theres not many others out. I typically fish the lower sac because its minutes away from me.
  11. Budddha

    Any body fishing for or catching king salmon?

    Im in the sacramento area. Ive only been out 3 times this year for a hour each time. I usually fish for salmon with spinners, spoons, plugs, or roe. I havent been out much this year; but id love to see some pics and hear some stories about your 2016 salmon action. :-P
  12. Budddha

    Shatter help!

    You dont sound like a jerk you sound like someone who wants attention and isnt trying to help the op... do us a favor and help the op or go fly a kite thanks pal
  13. Budddha

    Shatter help!

  14. Budddha

    Shatter help!

    Well if you arnt pulling down to 29hg or near it you may not be able to get real deal shatter. You might be able to make pull snap if youre close to it. I make clear and gold shatter and my temps never go above 115. Its kind of hard to answer your question acurately if you dont know how much hg...
  15. Budddha

    Shatter help!

    I leave my pump on durring the beginning. Towards the end i revac whenever the pressure drops.
  16. Budddha

    Shatter help!

    Ur not purging enough out of your "shatter." Shatter shouldnt budder up. If it does it means theres still moisture and or solvent in it. Idk how much pressure youre pulling on your home made vac chamber so it may take you days to get real stable shatter. I purge for usually atleast 18 hours and...
  17. Budddha

    Bho indoors

    After you blast you can move it inside. Use warm not hot water. U dont really want to get ur mixture hot itll start cooking off terps. Outside is fine. if you can do it under some kind of structure so you dont get dust pollen and debris in your dish from outside that would be best. Ebay and...
  18. Budddha

    Kelp Meal application?

    I use a product called krazy kelp; will work in hydro. But i dont think its 100% organic; or maybe just in ca? I use kelp extracts in hydro. I use kelp meal in soil and tea. If you live by the beach you can pick up seaweed and put it in a garbage bag to take home. Wash it off with fresh water...
  19. Budddha

    Bho indoors

    I dont advise it. And suggest learning all aspects ov what youre trying to do be ause you can easily blow up where youre at or burn the FUCK out of yourself and maybe get cut up by the exploding glass tube. swim opens all the windows and puts fan(s) pulling air into the area and fan(s)...
  20. Budddha

    Cut dry short, jars get to 80% RH fast. Ok to leave in open jars?

    If the bud is dry enough to hold its form when you put it the jar and not get squished. I'd leave it in the jar with the lid off in a dry cabinet. Blow some smoke in there to get ur rh down and check it a couple times a day to make sure its not too moist. Lightly shake the jar or take the buds...