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  1. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    I hope that everyone enjoyed some nice goodies!
  2. Javadog

    ❧❦ Jad3's Haven ❦❧

    Well Shoot Jad.....that sort of thing can happen. The last time it happened to me it was a House Inspection. Good luck! JD
  3. Javadog

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    You will rock it Gary. The hardest part for me was probably patience and a bit of that comes with age. :0)
  4. Javadog

    Club 600

    Off to a good start Josh. :0)
  5. Javadog

    GroErr Grows...

    And you know what occurs to me that home growers are more likely to be bothered by The Man for a Revenue Crime than for a Vice Crime. The Man wants his money. P.S. I am waiting in the Feds to fold on this issue. It is past time.
  6. Javadog

    Club 600

    Sorry to hear that J!
  7. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Historic Doc!
  8. Javadog

    Club 600

    Nipple! It is a happy word!
  9. Javadog

    Marijuana Seeds

    I went to them for my herijuana. I found Madberry to be strong too.
  10. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Ah that is good news. The Prof has been a solid dude for as long as I have known him. Now to look up those new terms.... :0)
  11. Javadog

    GroErr Grows...

    LOL they grow up so fast! :0) Nice work as usual Bro. I still think you're cool, even if you are no longer an Outlaw. :0)
  12. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Keep on Rockin it Doc!
  13. Javadog

    Club 600
  14. Javadog

    Club 600

    I would have to say "No" West. They do not look like killers...just barfers. (it is not impossible....are they staining blue where they were cut?) JD P.S. The Gills make me think Mycaena
  15. Javadog

    Club 600

    I will grab them when they are ready....add a note hereabouts.... :0)
  16. Javadog

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    P.S. I got a Snoopy Spoon to save the plastic spoons at work. It just occurred to me that I could use eBay to do this. LOL We used to fight over that thing!
  17. Javadog

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Post of the Day! :0)
  18. Javadog

    ❧❦ Jad3's Haven ❦❧

    Working with the sun.....very cool. Iwill want to do that eventually. Nice to hear from you Jig-Bro. I look forward to your return. We will go back to Fidels. JD P.S. Aw Jad, those little babies are cute! They remind me of Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. :0)
  19. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    P.S. Ruh Roh, I see it as out: It is crazy how many have gone out. Sour Tangie is awesome. (on the list ;0)
  20. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    Yes, I am nutty about wanting a clone before I flip a plant. I lose a breed or two every hot-phase of each year, as the heat makes clones melt. :0) I have promised to figure out shipping clones some to get that down! JD