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  1. andy s

    how long will cocaine stay in you system for a urine drug test.

    3 days for that stuff or pills ect if you dont use all the time
  2. andy s

    Sand and Airpots?! ehh? (critter barrier)

    ive used it wheni had gnats once or twice and literally once it was there they werent lol. works great and doesnt have any negative effects like sand allows the soil to still breathe
  3. andy s

    Help!! My Girls are sick

    if you dont see little black things under or on your leafs its not mites.. look before you buy and spray. your temps in your room seem to be low with the heavy watering itll make them unhappy. what are your temps? dont feed every watering in soil.. feed maybe 2 times a week depending on how much...
  4. andy s

    Help!! My Girls are sick

    your rockwhool cube will have a ph of whatever your water solution is. if its 6 the cube will be 6, it changes just like soil does, or the same as water in a container. if you ph something its going to change no mater what given a little time. placing a cube in soil is just fine. wont hurt a...
  5. andy s

    Drooping plants

    my area of expertise here with doing it in the cold. fr one with the lights youre running as well as the cold your plants arent going to uptake like a normal plant. so what you need to do is raise em off the floor if they arent already, do light feedings, and do not water to run off. youll want...
  6. andy s

    broken stem while doing lst, urgent, my female plant is dying during flowering =(

    the stems or branches hardenn during flower lst is for veg my friend
  7. andy s

    Sand and Airpots?! ehh? (critter barrier)

    dont use sand use biotenacious earth
  8. andy s

    Switching back to mh at the end of flower

    How many of you switch back to a mh the last 2 week of flower to mimic natural light spectrum outdoors
  9. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    You can chop what's ready and let the other grow some more and get more light that way. If you want a heavy high go ahead and wait another week
  10. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    I see cloudy and amber trichs my man, they'e done. Some clear is ok bc the plant doesn' all mature at the same rate, the tops or whatever is closer to the light will mature faster than the buds growing up the stalk and lower buds. Usually people say 10 to 30 percent amber in a given area is...
  11. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    I feel they'e done by looks, but to me trichs do mean everything. Whether the buds are big or small, good bud shitty bud, if the trichs aren't cloudy it's not worth pulling. Im' not gonna waste 7 weeks of grow time to harvest premature bud that might get ya high lol. Even if it' unhealthy, which...
  12. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    Your calyx are swollen, the hairs have changed and they'e receding back to the calyx. Those are tell tell signs the plant is mature and finished. What magnification is your scope.
  13. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    Also if you honestly dont' see any amber trichs then somethings up with either the scope or what your'e looking at. This late in flower I'd say it' almost impossible for them not to be at least cloudy.
  14. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    Generally yes, a plant that is allowed to flower for a while after its done, will or should produce male flowers and pollinate itself giving feminized seeds. Start flushing your plants, get all the salts out, they'l start to mature faster, they might start getting a little smell at that point...
  15. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    That' what I thought or they were very very close but he said trichs looked clear still
  16. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    It could be shock from them being moved into a higher lumen area. I grew with cfls for veg moved to hps 3 days they did that but it was in the beginning of flower. They grew more leaf. Those wont. Flush is always 2 weeks before harvest. You don' have to feed every watering. I feed once a week...
  17. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    I use molasses beginning to end. That' not the problem.
  18. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    In all honesty, your plants all look like they should be in flush right now. How many weeks in? The calyx are all swelled or swelling, but the plants look really dark.
  19. andy s

    Is my girls turning Hermie?

    Could be many things, temp, not enough water, too much water, light stress, wind burn ect.. check all the environmental factors and then turn to the plant. What did you give it last? How do you feed and water? The other bud would've had flavor if it was ran longer (even though it was having...