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  1. andy s

    4 weeks with an LED..hows she look?

    youd think there was a bridge around here somewhere.. with all the trolls... lol jk
  2. andy s

    Plant problem? Brown spots on one leaf(pics)

    and as far as it leeching, if you have major runoff maybe, but i dont run to run off my friend. different ways of growing will give you different results i guess but one can be certain as we are not scientists and dont have the tools or means to test theory
  3. andy s

    Plant problem? Brown spots on one leaf(pics)

    and phos is used more towards the end of flowering. n then pot then phos
  4. andy s

    Plant problem? Brown spots on one leaf(pics)

    right i was saying it doesnt make them green bc what you said in the earlier comment leaned towards it making them green
  5. andy s

    Gorilla cookies, nl, blue cheese

    might wanna trim tht cover crop too lol
  6. andy s

    Gorilla cookies, nl, blue cheese

    same here my man. 100%
  7. andy s

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    sand isnt always best bc it needs to be burped in a since. natnix is best i think how is it benefcial?
  8. andy s

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    almost positive my man. the ambient temp isnt always the same as the canopys temp
  9. andy s

    Help please, my girls are not doing well,

    a fully mature pollen sack take like 2 weeks or so to produce pollen and open up to pollinate id keep a better eye on them ladies :)
  10. andy s

    Help please, my girls are not doing well,

    funny bc they stop trying to produce thc and focus on seed production...
  11. andy s

    Help please, my girls are not doing well,

    are these under the light or to the side
  12. andy s

    Help please, my girls are not doing well,

    what do you mean by the plant under it will reach outside? the plant will naturally bush out and stretch out if thts wht you mean
  13. andy s

    Help please, my girls are not doing well,

    if you dont have proper lighting they wont grow.. move your lights closer. they look like they havent changed a bit lol maybe more frost but tht is it how far is your lights away from the canopy? if its more than 24 inches its probably too far idc what anyone says lol its like a 200w light.
  14. andy s

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    thats heat stress man
  15. andy s

    Gorilla cookies, nl, blue cheese

    put them straight into the dirt plugs are just extras they want growers to buy lol
  16. andy s

    Plant problem? Brown spots on one leaf(pics)

    ive done grows with jacks and didnt use calmag, the couple i did i didnt see any signs of a cal or mag def, i added dolomite lime in my pots at the beginning of the grow though so thats probably why i didnt get a cal def. . as ive changed things up over the years i added it bc one of my strains...
  17. andy s

    First grow, late journal

    looks very nice man! what do you think youre gonna be making?
  18. andy s

    Plant problem? Brown spots on one leaf(pics)

    i couldve swore i seen calcium, i always add calmag anyways but never noticed. it has everything but that i guess lol but .05 is really all you need in my opinion. its not used by the plant as much during the whole cycle or a main in half of it.
  19. andy s

    4 weeks with an LED..hows she look?

    cfls are the same way lol wayyy shorter node spacing someties gets to be a problem but a good one lol and i think stems are thicker and the plant overall is stronger
  20. andy s

    First grow, late journal

    cant wait to see!