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  1. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    That's more than just a couple inches lol. Nice work man.
  2. SilentBob024

    Best indica dominant strains good yeilds/high potency

    So far el fuego is doing really really well growing. Handled top and fim like a damn champ. Got the chance to try some from the store, and wow...i can't wait for mine now. Sets in very very quickly. Strong effects. Couch lock as well. Very... Stoney lol. Looking into my next run and thinking...
  3. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Starting to look really nice man. Man lol I think im more excited to see how the blue gelato turns out than you pics of it online look really really nice. Keep checking all the time to see updates now lol. Cheers man and good job once again.
  4. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Nice nice. Yeah I got to start training mine real damn soon actually. Not doing a sog, but it's definitely green my cmh runs really quite hot so I need to keep my plants further away :( still can't seem to find a stand up fan for sale during Canadian winters though so that sucks. They doubled...
  5. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    She's looking nice so far duder. Sesms barneys have a decent structure to them. Strong looking shoots out the sides, big healthy leaves. I've seen alot of people putting down their gelato 41 and saying gorilla zkittles is it for them right now, but I kind of figure results are half to do with...
  6. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Hey pollen isn't a bad thing though if you want to breed in the future though. Silver lining?
  7. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Damn. That's to bad man. Sorry to hear their balls dropped. How's the gelato 41 coming along?
  8. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Very very interested how the gelato 41 turns out. Very very interested.
  9. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    I keep forgetting about chem dog. How's the yield on it? Never heard of power Africa. I suppose it's a mix of power plant and something else? What's the breeder?
  10. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    While some people are chatting it up here anyways, I'm looking into some new strains for my next grow. Going to veg them when this batch goes into flower for a bit. So my question is what strain you grew has knocked your socks off and what genetics did it come from. So far I'm loving dna and...
  11. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    Thanks for the input everyone. Seriously appreciate it.
  12. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    I was thinking the same thing too. Only reason I was not sure was because I didn't see the yellowing. Just brown appearing. Backed it off from the light. Hope that works thanks for the help bud
  13. SilentBob024

    Rusty brown blotchy spots

    Will do bud thanks!
  14. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    Like nutrient wise or to close to the light wise you think? I mean regardless I screwed up lol
  15. SilentBob024

    Rusty brown blotchy spots

    Yeah lol a real bone head move on my part. Usually used promix before but decided to use happy frog soil as it was highly recommended by my shop I go to. It absolutely still wanted nutrients even in happy frog. Got real droopy and light until I did introduce nutrients in a smaller dose. Dunb me...
  16. SilentBob024

    I fudged it.

    So..? I screwed up... Not sure what the issue is just yet. Still scouring for something that sounds and looks right. I have 9 plants. But two... Are having cause for concern. I am using a room in my house, not a tent. Has a vent built into the ceiling out, I keep the door wide open and the room...
  17. SilentBob024

    Rusty brown blotchy spots

    Ok. So I've got about 9 plants going, but only two are having issues. The two in question developed this after a transplant. Both have these orangey brownish spots on them. One is droopy and the other isn't. I transplanted and it was time to feed it as it had not got anything for three days and...
  18. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    I got a red dragon going in my garden by Barney's as well. Figure why not try out the freebie lol. So far it grows straight as a damn arrow, decent thickness in stock and seems hearty not only on what it handles but branches and so on as well. I mean proof will be in the pudding after mind you...
  19. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Yeah that's what I mean. They do got gorilla zkittles I'm very interested by.
  20. SilentBob024

    630w cmh SOG hydro grow Part 2

    Wedding cake is great, and same with purple punch. Quick question. The blue gelato 41, is that by Barney's farm? Been really curious how that strain turns out. Seen alot of mixed reviews about barneys