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  1. Airwalker16

    8 pot system. Does a filter strip nute?

    If that's how you want to do it, you can with a mesh bag.
  2. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    And how did you end up wiring it?
  3. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    1800mA has zero to do with the equation. it's simply the Max current the strips can handle. I do lnt think this is right at all
  4. Airwalker16

    Water chiller??

    Nooooo of course not. I've had a 1/10 on a 12gal system for years before. The chiller will only turn on and work once the water temperature flowing through it gets to a set warmth and the same for turning back off once it's hit your set target temp. It's always flowing over a thermocouple taking...
  5. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Lucky I've got this forum selected on watch. I didn't even realize it wasn't in LED until you just mentioned it Lolololol.
  6. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    This is what I was saying. The 2 in series won't work at all.
  7. Airwalker16

    Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

    ROFL those will be gone in a matter of hours
  8. Airwalker16

    8 pot system. Does a filter strip nute?

    When posting links for products I usually just go to the Zon because everyone and their mom has it, but I can tell you theres much MUCH cheaper and vastly larger a variety on the Bay.
  9. Airwalker16

    8 pot system. Does a filter strip nute?

    Mesh filter bags around a submersible pump will keep your lines clean as a whistle. Just be sure to clean it every few days to be sure by removing it and scrubbing it on itself in a container of clean RO water.
  10. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    So why the hell are there 2 strips in series for each parallel connection? Isn't that a 96v fV?
  11. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Half of what? The 4280?
  12. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    @Rocket Soul can you explain what the difference is for constant current range and the current adjustment range? Why's one 2200-6660 & the other 4280-6660?
  13. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Correct.this driver though as my pic show, can be set from 2200-6600mA so turn it to about half at first then crank it up.
  14. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Ya it makes sense now.
  15. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    What is the voltage of these strips
  16. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Looks like you need to connect 2 strips together by a wire from one pos to the others neg to double the voltage(green) and then parallel wire each set of 2 strips together by their remaining positive of one and neg of the other.
  17. Airwalker16

    Need help with wiring a strip lights...

    Beautiful build. These are series wired drivers right? @Rocket Soul
  18. Airwalker16

    RDWC 2 site tote with controller. Which waterfall method works better?

    Oh Hahaha. I was saying just keep the tear tab intact, and cut out with a sharp razor blade any plastic tabs or parts of it that are responsible for making it click down permanently so you could still just remove it again. But the seam is still pretty weak so maybe a good bead of epoxy along it...
  19. Airwalker16

    3ft strips ?

    You can use as few it as many aS you'd like as long as the minimum# is going to be within the current range the strip can handle. By adding more of them, the crew t to each strip goes down even spread yes you can definitely out 2-3 side by side on a 2" wide heatsink.